Bush is Re-elected as Kerry Concedes

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Post by theberkin8or »

well then you voted on half baked ideas becuase you know as well as I do that when you think through your ideas that you quickly come to problems. If you are going to believe you should be willing to defend it, if you find you can't defend it you need to reconsider its truth. The world is not simple, to look at it as such is dangerious. I was right about the war in iraq, in your heart of hearts you know that. I am right about the direction bush is going to take this country and how dangerious it is.

My distain/horror towards Bush's ideas, actions, and his very way of looking at the world has not change just the personal hate. Emotions are simply not useful in rational thought becuase it has the potential to blind one from the issues *coughabortioncough* *coughgayrightscough*

btw lying is immoral.
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Post by Sixty »

I would not vote for him if it was only for his ideas about abortion and homosexuals.

But it seems the usa is a few decades behind on those things (including racism).
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Post by Dirt »

Twigstir wrote:
Pick any one thing I've said and show that it's false. You said I don't know anything about the economy and you do, so it should be easy for you.

I know enough about how our economy works to know that all your points you're making have so little to do with the growth of the economy. Don't get into economics with me because you will not win it and end up looking more stupid than you already are.
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Post by Cenotaph »

Your still avoiding the question though.
All the specialists say that US economy is in its worse state for many years. Just prove them wrong.
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Post by sergeantduke »

The health of a nation should not be based solely on the growth of its economy.
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Post by Twigstir »

Dirt wrote: I know enough about how our economy works to know that all your points you're making have so little to do with the growth of the economy. Don't get into economics with me because you will not win it and end up looking more stupid than you already are.

I already won. A man, would step to the plate and debate me with some substance.

Who looks more stupid? A person who takes a position and backs it up with some substance, some thought? Or a person who calls someone wrong and stupid and then runs?

Right or wrong, a person who articulates their points, earns more respect than those who talk the talk but, can't walk the walk.

This still stands - Pick any one thing I've said on the economy and show that it's false. There is nothing wrong with a good debate. If your smarter on the economy than I am and can prove your points and disprove mine, then so be it. I'm man enough to take being wrong and I'm willing to learn.
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Post by Dirt »

doo doo head
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Post by Twigstir »

You have proved yourself intellectually challenged. You're officially owned. Come back again when you at least have a tiny bit of knowledge on the subject at hand.
Last edited by Twigstir on 05-11-2004 05:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fooman »

Dirt wrote: doo doo head

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Post by giber »

I hesitate to join this argument cause it seems no one here respects the others positions.

Twig please explain how our taxes are higher. I can tell you my taxes are lower, elimination of the marriage tax, death tax etc...for once we have a politician who is willing to take on the fucked up US tax code.

Also explain how a tax cut for the rich hurts the country. The rich after all do supply the jobs for the rest of us. More money in the economy the better.

And what exactly is a corporate slave? You mean a place where you go to work are well compensated and given many benifits such as health insurance, bonuses etc... Problem with the world is everyone expects to be given everything. Government is not here to be a handout to those who choose not to contribute in a useful way to our society. You get what you earn here brother. I'd suggest you take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror and start taking a little personal responsibility for yourself.

As for job loss etc... any monkey with a brain can look at an industry that is failing and see it is time to move on. But again people have no drive, no responsibilty for themselves, if something bad happens to them it must be someone elses fault, ie the government.

A simple ECO1101 class would do wonders for the vast majority those unwilling to make their own path in life.

Blast away.
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Post by Dirt »

The growth of the economy is determined by spending. As long is production and people buying the products our economy will not "die". Production is still high and people are still buying so you have nothing to worry about. The national debt has been around for years and will continue to rise reguardless of who is President. However, the public thinks that it is an important issue due to the media so politicians will promise to cut our national debt but it's just lies like usual. There is hardly any difference in the USA from the days of Clinton. The only difference is slightly smaller taxes and slightly higher gas prices. That is the only thing effecting general people, especially the majority of people playing deathball assuming they aren't old enough for medicare. The only thing that people see is a higher dollar bill which hasn't stopped increasing since the depression and fewer jobs due to outsourcing which can be hardly called Bush's fault.

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Post by giber »

My letter to Michael Moore, which could also apply to many here.

Dear Michael,

Over the past few years I certainly heard a lot from you. Now you're going to hear a little from me.

Yesterday your website showed only a picture of Bush made up of smaller pictures of soldiers killed in Iraq. Today, your website the same Bush picture but with the names now as well. A brief message says your "first" thoughts are for those who were KIA. (I personally think your first thoughts were more likely anger directed at GWB followed by disappointment at JFK, but I may be wrong.) But I couldn't even navigate your site from the "front door" to browse through all your thoughts and comments leading up to the election. I had to google your name and some keywords to get in.

Why is that? I guess you have nothing to say (not that I'm complaining about that!) right now and/or you're backpedaling on what you said just a few days ago. You could have posted a message saying something like congratulations to GWB (http://www.johnkerry.com/) or "the public has spoken, so let's all put the election behind us" but somehow I doubt you have it in you to say things like that. Venom and vitriol are more your speed.

But my main question is, what's your next step? Your "Slacker Uprising" failed, and you're likely too far out of the mainstream to be a viable political force. So what are you going to do with all your spare time and millions of dollars? Give it all to the poor? That would be a very noble thing to do, but somehow I doubt that it's going to happen.

Where do you go from here, Michael Moore?

How about Canada!

http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp ... 1014a.html

"Moore also praised Canada for its progressive social and economic policies."

"We love the Canadians. We all aspire to be more Canada-like. We want to live to see a day where everyone has health care, where you don't have to pay off a student loan for 10 years. That's Canada," Moore said.

I'm not so sure we "all" aspire to be more Canada-like. But you apparently do. Go ahead and go there. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. There are thousands of people at our borders trying to get in and your vacancy will no doubt be filled rather quickly by someone eager to enjoy the fruits of American citizenship. The USA has long been the destination for millions of hopeful emigrants and the stream is showing no sign of slowing down. We'll somehow manage without you.

Something tells me that you, Michael Moore, don't have the guts to move to Canada and give up your American citizenship. And that just further solidifies my opinion that you're just a blowhard.

Maybe I'm wrong. But I doubt it.

Why don't you emigrate to Canada. Seriously. You won't have to be a part of big, bad America any more and you can make lots of films up there (I hear Vancouver is becoming Hollywood North). I bet the Film Board of Canada will even help fund some of your "documentaries". As a bonus, the exchange rate is favorable to the American dollar, so $1 million American equates to about $1.2 million Canadian (http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/exchange.htm). Think of all the beer and brats that would buy!

So take your cameras that you set up hoping to spot voter supression that didn't happen (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uselections20 ... 56,00.html) and your pre-election accusations of "steal"ing votes in Florida (http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/lates ... php?id=262) and head for the border. Please.

Some Canadians even have a preference for speaking French.


P.S. Michael, here's a tip: Claim "refugee" status (http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtm ... ID=6704292) and it will be easier to get a work permit in Canada. But please take Roseanne Barr, Janeane Garafalo, Rob Reiner, Ben Affleck, Alec Baldwin, Barbara Streisand and the other Hollywood/entertainment millionaires who know what's best for America with you when you go. Another tip I have for you is to be polite to the Canadian authorities. They don't let just *anyone* in, you know
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Post by giber »

Sixty wrote: I would not vote for him if it was only for his ideas about abortion and homosexuals.

But it seems the usa is a few decades behind on those things (including racism).

I find it funny that someone from a continent that has a genocide, or maybe ethinic cleansing is the polite term you euros use,every 20 years or so would lecture the us on racism. All this happens and you guys sit around and do nothing. What a proud history Europe has, I'd suggest taking care of your own problems before meddling in ours.
Last edited by giber on 05-11-2004 07:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by l0afz »

What a proud history america has, being "invented" by europe :x
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Post by Requiem`` »

Originally posted by giber
I'd suggest taking care of your own problems before meddling in ours.

just :lol: