<3 Kerry

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Post by f1end »

Sorry if that came across as "anti-american"...I like a lot of Americans...it was supposed to be "anti-stupid-Americans" ;)

The intelligent ones are ok (hi twig :P)
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Post by Cenotaph »

I also have no problems with USA or american ppl. I just have problems with some guys' ideas...
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Post by R3L!K »

tbh i'm not ALL that bothered that Kerry lost. He was a better alternative than Bush but that's just about it.

And lets face it, Kerry was so bland and disjointed that it made George W.'s stupidity seem charismatic.

On the plus side, at least there is a clean slate in 4 years.
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Post by Fooman »

I have an idea. You euros should take it upon yourselves to do what a British newspaper did. They got the addresses of voters in swing states and gave them out to euros so that they can write letters and inform the "stupid ignorant dumbass" Americans.

If yall got all the addresses of US voters in Bush states you could turn them against Bush with your superior intellect and knowledge. These people believe whatever they are told, right? It should be real easy.
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Post by Twigstir »

R3L!K wrote: tbh i'm not ALL that bothered that Kerry lost. He was a better alternative than Bush but that's just about it.

People should be very concerned. I am. Bush has done a lot of damage to America economically. His plans will make the first four years look like child's play.

The US government ran out of money Oct. 14 for normal operations.
The debt is going past 8 trillion
Bush plans more so called tax cuts
Bush's privatizing part of Social security will cost over 2 trillion and do almost nothing for your retirement.
Government spending in increasing and plans are for far more spending.
2/3 of our encomomy is people. People's disposable income is decreasing.

A number of years ago, we were paying over 300 billion a year for interest alone. That was close to the entire military budget. Before Bush we were headed to paying off the dept and our interest payments were falling. We were set to get the biggest real tax cuts in history.

Then came Bush. It could take well over a hundred years to recover from the damage he has done and plans to do. That's if we don't collapse like the Soviet Union did.

I can't remeber the details, but last month it was reported in the usa today that every family in the US owes over $488,000 to the government. I'm not sure the details of that number but when talking about the debt, the numbers are out of this world on how much every man, woman and childs owes in this country. And those number grow every day.

I was not of fan of Kerry, but Bush and a rep. congress can do incredible damage over the next four years. The US could have delt with many issues and still delivered a huge tax ,if it continued on course. Those days are long gone and the next four years could mean you'll never see a real tax cut in your life time.

Most elections are not as big as this one was. A split between congress and the white house keeps things in check. This election was huge. It's impact will be great.

I'm very concerned. Bush's economic policies will have a huge impact on my and my childrens quality of life for years to come.
Last edited by Twigstir on 04-11-2004 20:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by R3L!K »

I'm a complete a novice to US politics. But surely Bush isn't solely responsible for these problems. Doesn't the Senate or the House of Representatives have to take some of the blame too?

As I understand it, Bush has more influence over these bodies now than four years ago due to the manner of his victory this time round - so I can understand why you say the situation could get drastic in the next 4 years.

But it also seems to me that if George W really has got more votes than any other President in history (or something like that), then unfortunately the U.S. deserve whatever problems he creates.

Everytime I see Bush make a speech on TV I cringe that this guy is the most powerful man on Earth. To me, he is a complete joke and the fact your country kept him in power when they could have had a true war hero to lead them simply sums up the state of your nation.

The plus side to Bush being re-elected is Blair will be under a lot of pressure over the next year, and I can't wait to cast my vote against that lying piece of shit. I'm hoping Bush lands him in so much political trouble, that Blair is forced to standown and Brown would take over the Labour party.
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Post by [TnT]Raven »

Look at our good old, homeboy president :D what a great guy he is http://www.ebaumsworld.com/bushuncensored.html
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Post by Messy »

Yeah :D watched that movie a while back, pretty funny I guess :o

I thought he said he'd quit drinking? ;)
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Post by canash »

I just want to know.. how high are the taxes over in the US?
Well here in Denmark if you owe under 52000kr. a year you wont pay any tax. between 52000kr and 125000kr you pay 25% between 125000kr and 150000kr you pay 30% from 150000kr to 250000kr you pay 46% and over 250000kr you pay 60% 100kr = €13,33 or $15,38... i you complain about the gasolin prices we pay over one €1 pr. liter.
Last edited by canash on 04-11-2004 23:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twigstir »

It's not all bushes fault be he is a huge part of it.

American politics is all about lies, exaggerations, and spin.

Bushes so called tax cut had almost no impact on the US economy. However, the economy has improved (More importantly it has in the mind of people). So Bush claims it's because of his tax cuts. The media reports what he says. What he says makes headlines. Details are hard to find in the media. Many American only hear the "he said, she said" stuff of both parties. So many Americans hear and believe the economy is better because of tax cuts.

Most of Bushes tax cuts went to the rich. But a very little did go to most Americans. Bush gave people a bone. Many American are stupid. They got a check in the mail and jumped for joy. They don't understand that they will sometime later have to pay that back, plus the money it cost to send those checks, plus interest. They think they saved money. They don't correlated it to a credit card. In that example Bush only lowered your monthly minimum amount due.

Because Bush gave out that bone, the fact that Americans are not very bright, and how the media works, it would have been very difficult to go against the tax cuts in congress. Example headline "dems shoot down tax cuts". Bush would spin that stuff to "Dems shoot down tax cut for the middle class and poor" It's hard to explain but I hope you can get the feel. Via spin, the focus can be put on a small parts of something and the big picture gets washed over. It's all about headlines and key phrases. It's also about getting people to believe something. Weather it true or not or even impacts them doesn't matter.

So many people are happy about Bush because of these so called tax cuts. They think and believe they are getting something because they see a headline "tax cuts pass". Many don't know or care about the details. Many don't pay enough attention to even know if they are even paying less taxes.

If you did a poll about how much the American debt is, you would be shocked by the results. Most wouldn't know. Even more would have no idea how it impacts this country. Many wouldn't care. Some wouldn't even know the US is in debt.
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Post by Twigstir »

canash wrote: I just want to know.. how high are the tax over in the US?
Well here in Denmark if you owe under 52000kr. a year you wont pay any tax. between 52000 and 125000 you pay 25% between 125000 and 150000 you pay 30% from 150000 to 250000 you pay 46% and over 250000 you pay 60% 100kr = €13,33 or ,38... i you complain about the gasolin prices we pay over one €1 pr. liter.
American taxes are complicated. We have deductions and lots of other things that make it very complex. There are people who make millions who pay a small percent or nothing. Two people making the same money often pay different amounts in taxes.

It's a politicians dream.
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Post by R3L!K »

the idea of spin is nothing new. it's practised here too with common frequency.

If people had the time/inclination to do their own reading or research then perhaps it would have less of an impact and people would make informed decisions.

Unfortuantely most people are idiots or simply don't care.

I can sympathise with people who get disillusioned with politics. Afterall, democracy is just another name for mob rule right?
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Post by Twigstir »

In the US, only a few rule. The mob just decides which idiot it is. And for that, they get a few bones thrown there way.
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Post by f1end »

When are people gonna understand that America is NOT a Democracy...if it was, bush wouldn't have seen a first term, let alone another :/
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Oh you over-reacting drama queens...