Bush is Re-elected as Kerry Concedes

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Post by Rino »

The_One wrote: Aren't we all?

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Post by Dirt »

People who don't know what the economy means shouldn't be allowed to talk anymore.

BTW Twig, since you have strong issues with America I have done some research for you to help you with your troubles.

Last edited by Dirt on 04-11-2004 01:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twigstir »

I don't want to move. I want to make it better. America has the potential to be a great country. Americans need to wake up, become more informed, think deeper, and move the country forward.
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Post by Dirt »

Your speakin to the wrong crowd m8
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Post by Twigstir »

There are enough Americans that visit here. Every single american that takes a harder look at what going on makes for a better america.
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Post by Dirt »

I know how the economy works, so I had no problem voting for Bush. Some other people go off figures that couldn't be more useless. Like a lot of your figures under you name.
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Post by Twigstir »

Some may learn from sig. Some may continue to be blind.

All my bullets are true for most americans.

Pick any one thing I've said and show that it's false. You said I don't know anything about the economy and you do, so it should be easy for you.
Last edited by Twigstir on 04-11-2004 05:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The_One »

Rino wrote: NO

Do you know what the word means?
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Post by f1end »

What I can't believe is that no1 has brought up the Illuminati and conspiricy and that the whole thing is scripted by people with far more power than the president...

i think it's all just a plan for global domination...

bush gets another 4 years to REALLY fuck up America, and much of the world, then Hillary Clinton gets voted in next time, and looks like a saviour, gets every1's support, then starts on a mission of global domination heading towards the NWO and the Appocalypse. (Aliens may possibly also be involved)
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Post by Cenotaph »

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Post by [1234]Jr »


Ric Flair: woooooooooooooooooooo!
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Post by xiller8r »

haha Jr, you never disappoint.
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Post by theberkin8or »

<3 twig

foo you didn't vote so don't talk. Also as our conservsations have made very clear, You don't no fully think through your ideas about the world. If you choose not to think, then you need to chose not to participate, which includes talking about it. Discussion is part of democracy but if you choose to be ignorant of certain issue please don't distort the truth by expressing uninformed beliefs as truth. The media fucks up truth enough already.

I honestly blame the Media for the ignorance of the American people. If we had access to real info instead of "sound bites" and just listening to the spinnesters we might be able to have real and informed views about the world. This is where the real reform needs to come, without real information democracy can not work because you have people voting on issues they don't understand.

Because people don't understand the big issues of the economy and the war on terror they vote on the issues they do understand, such as their bigotry against gay people.

Bush being reelected is truly the worst thing that has happened to America in my life time. Including 9/11. This post is getting long so if someone challenges me on that I will explain further.

Do not plan on democrates stepping down becuase of this election. We may not be able to fight through the traditional methods but fight we will. We will take the street every time our voice is ingorened and we will take congress back in 2006.
Last edited by theberkin8or on 04-11-2004 15:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

I didn't like Kerry or Bush :(

I personally have to agree I would have just voted for Kerry because I don't like Bush :)

I know only little about Kerry, but I think the reason most europeans prefer Kerry so much is because he has more european and socialistic thoughts, as well as being (or seeming) more internationally minded.

Mind you I haven't fully read through the ideas of Bush nor Kerry..although I feel most people here haven't either ;)

I have to admit though, generally, I wouldn't know enough to vote, then again :) I can't..so why bother? ;)

I think a lot of US-citizens should have read through the ideas of the candidates a bit better though, regardless of what the output would be then (I'm not claiming it would have been Kerry in that case).
Because it seems to me that a lot of people don't really know, and are voting just because they are used to voting Republican or Democrats.

Then again :) who am I to say?

ps: f1end has a point though :(
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Post by Fooman »

theberkin8or wrote:
foo you didn't vote so don't talk.

:lol: Only about 6 people in these 2 threads actually voted. I'm not trying to convince to anyone who the better candidate was, I'm just trying to stop the hate. Berk used to hate Bush to no end until he realized it was a bad idea.

BTW, I did vote. But by telling you I wasn't I at least didn't get into any more arguments with you for a week.
Last edited by Fooman on 04-11-2004 19:30, edited 1 time in total.