Fucking Magnet

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Post by Messy »

Personally, if anything, Insane's perception should be far better :)

But I can't judge that I guess (nor can you. So stop trying)
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Post by Jas<ASH>Ace »


GG 2.2 for the Magnet, Charge slow after catch, slow ball movement, and many other things that make the leet players of 2.0 days sucky now, just to help the nOObs catch up and feel special too.... GG....I say.....GOOD FREAKIN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by sergeantduke »

Magnet is fine. Must be your computer. :rolleyes:
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Post by speedy »

Jas<ASH>Ace wrote: DAMN YOU MAGNET, DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!! :devil:

GG 2.2 for the Magnet, Charge slow after catch, slow ball movement, and many other things that make the leet players of 2.0 days sucky now, just to help the nOObs catch up and feel special too.... GG....I say.....GOOD FREAKIN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're a noob yourself. you've only been playing since 2.0 :rolleyes:
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Post by Jas<ASH>Ace »

speedy wrote: you're a noob yourself. you've only been playing since 2.0 :rolleyes:

LMAO! Ummmmm YEAH I was a nOOb for the 1st few weeks of 2.0. Then I could pwn just like the next guy. Im just saying its too bad they have to "dumb" down the game just to help the "new" noobs not get so frustrated when we all had to go thru that same thing at 1st.
Another thing that keeps players from PLAYING is I see MORE Servers with Passwords on them than I do Pubs. Hmmmm thats a GREAT way to allow the new guys to see what the games all about, Huh? Too bad..... but theres always hope that the next patch will KEEP the players instead of drive them away.....:p
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

No matter what you say you couldnt compete with some of the veterans out there.:p
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Post by Wibble »

Please don't turn this into another "I'm better than you" thread. The initial point was a valid one, but one I disagree with. I don't know if I'm imagining it, but things seem a lot more consistent in 2.2
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Post by Mongeh »

i hav to agree wibbs, i play enough as keep and.. perhaps not so well, out on pitch to be able to say things are playin better, and none of the clan hav said anythin to me.
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Did I say I was a VET?

Post by Jas<ASH>Ace »

DiStUrbeD wrote: No matter what you say you couldnt compete with some of the veterans out there.:p

Don't remember saying that but...I know I cant compete with the Vets. But if the game would of stayed like 2.0 then I would of had a better chance and not had to RE LEARN the whole game over when 2.2 came out. Guess I just don't get why they have to change up a GOOD mod to help the nOObs feel better about themselves. Thats all I'm saying, but fact is there are less servers daily with players. So guess its a little late to even worry about this mod..... :rolleyes: But every new patch brings players back for a few weeks at least, so theres always THAT Hope..... \o/
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Post by l0afz »

erm, I dont think anyone else had to re learn the game at 2.2 m8
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Post by The_One »

So...what change messed up your game Ash? The increased self volley power? :eek:

I'm reading through the changes and not seeing anything that might affect anyone.
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Post by fb.shev »

another false thread turned over reacted

magnet is too small if anything

same situation of the nubs who thought its turning into soccer

gg is all to say

l0af = too small 'IF' anything

(soz if vB didnt work)
Last edited by fb.shev on 13-10-2004 21:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by l0afz »

It isnt small and it isnt big

Its fine how it is :/
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Post by Jas<ASH>Ace »

The_One wrote: So...what change messed up your game Ash? The increased self volley power? :eek:

I'm reading through the changes and not seeing anything that might affect anyone.

For me it feels the game is now Sloppy. I hear more over powering of shots, I see the ball flying Under the guy with a LOCK on him, I see the ball moving FAST AS HELL one sec then SLOW AS CRAP the next. The ball gets SUCKED INTO players before they can hit a Good VO shot in the Air. Just things like that I just don't understand I guess..... Its just something I'll have to Re Learn I know, but I think thats why we lost so many players this time around, But that could just be Me. :D hehe
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Post by fb.shev »

nice use of caps O_o

well i can see where ur coming from about relearning the lame rmb 3rd jump shite that has vastly improved the game alot, but really dont learn it, try to be skilled and use a techniqued lmb charge cross volley and aim in the top corner <3

u need to play pickups... u will understand the game alot better if u see players who play the game 24/7 at a competitve rate !^^!!