The pause - seems like every thing stops then skips to the current. Example: A see a ball moving from point A to B. During it's flight it seems to stop then skip to a different location.
Happens no matter how many player are online. However the pauses get worse with more players. That is they happen more often and sometimes last longer.
I don't show a frame rate loss during the pauses. I don't have packet loss or ping issues.
I played several UT2004 matches with no problem. I did lose performance from 2.0 to 2.1 however, I've only had the pauses with 2.1e.
I've done nothing between playing 2.1d and 2.1e computer wise. Everything seems normal from my end.
Last edited by Twigstir on 07-09-2004 02:10, edited 1 time in total.
I tried several deathball servers at several different times. All with the same results. Played UT2004 online without a problem. I go check and see what happens in bot match and also check and see if I still have the pauses. I'll post in a few.
bascically the only difference between us is the gfx card
but some with radeon dont get this prob either, but onge (with gf) gets it afaik
i guess we just wait for 2.1f and go on testing. i see no other way, i hope i can count on you guys. the coders have some ideas, and something really went wrong last night when robert and matt tried to merge their code. its being fixed now
And our first priority is that we need to win some contest in a few days, and I don't believe anyone at nvidia or epic has a non-geforce card
they shouldnt run into problems
Last edited by DavidM on 07-09-2004 02:53, edited 1 time in total.
On a 3on3 pickup match last night, i witnessed something completely new:
After a certain moment, when i picked up the ball... i died lol ?! A white message saying something like "You have dropped the ball" showed up, aside from the green death one "You have have telefragged by the ball" (i'm not sure if these were the exact sentences, but it was something like that).
I laughed my ass off at this (before the fuckheads in the other team scored lame goals resulting from my deaths, but that's not the issue here), i has just picked up the ball or been passed to, and wham, death to me! I almost felt like i was playing gibball all of the sudden xD how about that, mr. David? Died the whole three times i picked it up before i decided to reconnect -_-
Once i reconnected it never happened again... this one is by far the biggest bug i've ever seen in DB...
Wish i had taken a screenshot -_- Goldeneye and BB were there, ya can ask them for any other details
EDIT: Oh, and if i can recall correctly, i don't think i could volley or boost during that period either.. Could've been lag once again, not sure, waiting for it to happen again...
Last edited by Holy_Surfing on 07-09-2004 13:32, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, and by the way, i'm getting the "spawning with no map" bug more often than ever. Literally every match, and on the first spawn usually... Wasn't that fixed sometime during the 2.0 or 2.1x stage?!