Performance problem?

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Post by DavidM »

oh wait its an online only thing?
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Post by mpratt »

So what your saying is the when players join the online server your FPS drop. Cause you just said you get 76-77 without players online right?
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Post by DavidM »

I get about 80 for both, makes no different if botmatch or online. (geforce 6)
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Post by The_One »

That's what I'm saying, yes. 6 people is playable, 10 and it runs like crap. Never used to.

(I could stick an x800 xt in there if you think it would help determine the problem, not sure my PSU would like it though so only if it would REALLY help.)

edit: i'd prefer it if someone else experianceing the problem would post their results though, I don't really want to put it in. >.<
Last edited by The_One on 04-09-2004 21:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mpratt »

So tell us about your internet connection. What you got and what is your normal upload download speed?
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Post by The_One »

512k down 256 up ADSL, through a router.
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Post by mpratt »

But what do you get kb/s down when downloading something?

For instance I get 50kb/s downloading sometimes.
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Post by The_One »

Well I just downloaded the Tribes Vengence beta at 60KB a sec.

I ping around 30 - 40 on gameservers servers, 80 - 100 on BuD (USA) servers and 15 - 20 on jolt servers.
Last edited by The_One on 04-09-2004 21:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onge »

For me, 2.1x gives me better fps than 2.0...o_O

P4 3.02Ghz
Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB
UT2K4: v3270
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Post by CorDawg »

note: afaik fps is also based on your NETSPEED so check that too. (once i had like a 2000 netspeed and like 25-30 fps, fixed the netspeed fixed the fps)
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Post by The_One »

My netspeed's 10,000.
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Post by mpratt »

How do you do on a 15 person ut2004 server?
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Post by The_One »

16 player invasion runs quicker than DB but then not all players are on the screen at the same time.

I'm about to upgrade my comp anyway, I don't think anyone with a current system should be too affected.
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Post by R3L!K »

System spec:
AMD Athlon XP1800+ (1.54ghz)
512 DDRRam
Ati 9600pro
0.5 mbit internet connection (60k/sec down, 30k/sec up)

Screen res: 1024x768
All settings normal
All boxes checked
Static netspeed: 8000

Map: DB-Cube



0 bots: ~70 fps

1 bot: ~65 fps

Online alone: ~70fps


Online w/ players is totally dependent on server lag and player count so I don't think meaningful comparisons can be made. But there is at least a 20-35 fps drop.

But I was on a full Fo server last night (about 108 ping) and it was still playable. We didn't play on Cube though so an fps comparision is pointless.

The above settings are just test settings. I normally play on lowest world detail to keep as close to the 90fps cap as possible in all conditions.
Last edited by R3L!K on 05-09-2004 14:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rino »

Yes, now cube sometimes it's just unplayable for me... 2.0 was fine but since 2.1 has came out, my fps goes down during the match, sometimes i also got gfx lags... I used to have 80 fps on cube, now i've got 50 max with low settings...

Athlon Xp+ 2400 | 1gbRam | HD7200 Maxtor | 9700pro ATi Radeon