Request of a quick 2.1 patch

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Do you want a 2.1b?

Yes, it needs fixing
No, just deal with it..
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Post by Esorcismo »

DavidM, repeat after me,

"We will try to fix the bugs in the next version, thank you everyone for your input."

Blaming the people you make the game for is just out of line. Just bite the bullet and release version 2.1a.
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Re: Request of a quick 2.1 patch

Post by l0afz »

Holy_Surfing wrote:

5. Why can we still bounce then volley instantly? Is it not obvious that several people abuse the fact that not only it adds extra speed to the volley but it also allows easy "noob-cannon"-like aiming?


No thanks - I think its a fine feature (bug.. whatever you want to call it)

*votes no*
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Post by Shev.npu »

Esorcismo wrote: DavidM, repeat after me,

"We will try to fix the bugs in the next version, thank you everyone for your input."

Blaming the people you make the game for is just out of line. Just bite the bullet and release version 2.1a.

wtf m8, ur telling the designer or whateva what to do? for all u care he can turn round and say fuckit, cba with db shit and start a new mod in HL, :/

be the fucking patient and shut up,

Just bite the bullet and release version 2.1a<--- 2.1b kthx, never been an a i dont think
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Post by Mongeh »

don't worry people, it's all my fault i killed the deathball community, DavidM told me so, right after i said i couldn't beta test beta #2, (i did however for beta 3, the quote from chil on one of the threads was mine, about the bowl scoreboard, and i saw nothing else in my own testing) which was limited tbh
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Post by Imaginos »

DavidM wrote: the bugs are there cuz 90% of the community literally couldnt be arsed to beta test. and they wont go if the same dont help again this time.
Imag = betajunkie

BuD's hidden server can usually be counted on to host any dangerous beta mods. All I need are people willing to use it.
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Post by Esorcismo »

well all of the "b" versions typically changed a few gameplay features... an "a" version would strictly be a bugfix release... as for being impatient, I don't see that in my post... point that out to me if you wish, but I don't see impatience... I see just telling him to stop blaming the community for his team's programming fuck ups and just to say they will be fixed in the next version... you see impatience there? hmmm, no
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Post by DavidM »

the code is incredible complex, but just with everyone playing it one day long they are all found. cant blame anything on coders
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Post by Fo|Phoenix »

DavidM wrote: the code is incredible complex, but just with everyone playing it one day long they are all found. cant blame anything on coders

Do you code for a living or for hobby? If my boss brought me a laundry list of bugs that I caused with my code, and I said well u should have made sure more people were testing and it's not my fault I'm just a coder. WOW... I would have lost my job a long time ago. Instead the preferred response my boss expects is, Hmm that is interesting, Let me look in to those and get back with you.
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Post by DavidM »

we are no company or something, and im no coder btw
since the beginning of deathball we just kept evolving with the help of the community, and these days im missing it when i hear comments like "cba to beta test, i wait for the final"
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Post by Esorcismo »

Seriously though, this plan works and takes care of 99% of the bugs... you throw it into a QA group of mainly yourselves... you play normal games as a team of programmers and pick out the bugs... after you fix those bugs... you send it out to a public beta and let the rest of the community test it out... when presented with bugs, after a good at least one week of testing you fix those bugs, and release a "release candidate." Same thing, let it go for about a week or so, take care of the bugs (which by now should be few and far between) and eventually release a final product (that's virtually bug-free). No sense rushing a release if you're going to have lots of bugs to fix anyway, just take the time to iron out the bugs and everything will be fine.

P.S. - Noob warning to this one, but what does "cba" mean? (Been following NHL recently but I know it can't be Collective Bargaining Agreement)...
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Post by DavidM »

cant be arsed :P
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Post by Imaginos »

I agree there.. I don't see enough peeps supporting the betas to help put out a good product. For the next cycle, I'll post a loose schedule for the hidden BuD server when it's running a beta. What version, when to show, etc.. Maybe that would help?
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Post by Esorcismo »

Ahhh... in the States we us DGARA "don't give a rat's ass"
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Post by sergeantduke »

I would have beta tested 2.1, but the message on the front page was so inimidating that I decided not to. Really, I only started with 2.0, so I figured that those who have been around longer, with more experience, would do a better job than I could. That said, I would not be unwilling to beta test future versions.
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

DavidM wrote: The volley bugs were already in the previous beta, so there were about 4 days of testing.

And as I said, the bugs were found within 1 day by many people after the final was released. If these people would do the same with betas what they do with finals, we'd have a lot better Deathball Versions

Fact: you just don't listen to what the community, the most of people in #dbpickup, whatever you wanna call it, say/ask you do you?

And... you still keep fixing what isn't broken.

Hurray !!