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Post by Lima_Bean »

Yeah...I know ur not taking out volleys but by reducing the volley speed and the other things that u did it is gonna take away from the fun value of this game. IM SORRY all pplz that think that reg is the ONLY way to play...but it does get boring playing just reg wihtout the full volley package that was in 2.0 (edit) O and im sorry shady but gazman does not know what he is talking about
-=end of pplz saying volley sucks right nnnnnnnnow-=
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Post by Alars »

if by saying 'reg' you are implying the charge up shot, that will never be the only way to play how about learning to fkn cross it to someone...

2.1 will mean more teamwork end of story, no backwall ball hogs getting goals cos they cant use their rmb
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Post by Metal11 »

im gonna have to side with lima, reg is ok every once in awhile but it does get boring....lack of innovation + less moves to do = the death to deathball
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Post by R3L!K »

excuse me but i like a bit of variety in my games.

vo is a lot more boring than regular. post a poll and see what the majority think.

you'll find that you are the clueless one.

ps: calling someone a fool, when unprovoked, in a public server makes you sound like a twat. Was that the intention? You kept doing it, so I guess it was.
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Post by Lima_Bean »

I really dont care if the majority of Euro players like reg...thats not what im saying...I'm saying that you would lose lots of NA players because this new "version" of vo isnt as fun as earlier versions.
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Post by DavidM »

volley speed has not been reduced :)
only self volley speed, which is piss lame and boring anyway
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Post by l0afz »

vo sucks (unless its 2on2 + only occasionly)
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Post by speedy »


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Post by Esorcismo »

I've read more garbage and pure malarchy in this thread than I see at my job on a weekly basis... so what if you don't like VO mode, maybe we do. And DavidM, for what ungodly reason do you find to constantly change the characteristics of the game just to suit your needs? Try a little flexibility for a change and let the server admins decide how they want the volley speed and whatnot work and "gg davidm" will lessen frequency as a common in-game phrase. But for right now in a VO match, if there's a 2 on 1, the defender will take the pass everytime because the shot is going to be a dead slow attempt, ain't that great? Just some general comments on what people wrote:

DavidM (3rd Post on Thread):
"volley only scares away all new players"
Response- That's a crock and only a cop out... people will learn how to volley and some get a quick hang of it if they bother to read any information on how to play prior to jumping right in.

R3L!K (4th Post on Thread):
"vo sucks"
Response- Well put...

DavidM (8th Post on Thread):
"we all got past the vo crap already and know how much better a clean 5on5 is

and noobs joining a vo server wont get anywhere. people need to start with the basics, altfire passes and shots
just the contrary of volley only.

like a chess beginner playing against deep blue"
Response- So basically this has to become a noob friendly game without hope for a quick-paced fast action mode... sometimes you make little, if any, sense. Clean 5-on-5s are fun too, but let us have that AND what we used to have prior to 2.1's existence.

Alars (9th Post on Thread):
"ummm - you can still volley off a teammates cross, so stop whoring the ball and pass."
Response- Read above, now defender can just play the pass and the hell with the shooter. There goes the bait and feed technique.

Alars (14th Post on Thread):
"if by saying 'reg' you are implying the charge up shot, that will never be the only way to play how about learning to fkn cross it to someone...

2.1 will mean more teamwork end of story, no backwall ball hogs getting goals cos they cant use their rmb"
Response- Redundancy, enough said there.

R3L!K (16th Post on Thread):
"excuse me but i like a bit of variety in my games.

vo is a lot more boring than regular. post a poll and see what the majority think.

you'll find that you are the clueless one.

ps: calling someone a fool, when unprovoked, in a public server makes you sound like a twat. Was that the intention? You kept doing it, so I guess it was."
Response- Fucked up VO mode means less variety, get your facts straight.

DavidM (18th Post on Thread):
"volley speed has not been reduced
only self volley speed, which is piss lame and boring anyway"
Response- Piss lame and boring, you belong as the CEO of America Online cause you're speaking square through your ass... again a redundancy to Alars two comments. Congrats, your third extraordinarily senseless post of the thread!

Now then... I've probably put a little too much thought and time into something that's terribly senseless anyway but when you're waiting for a 160GB Hard Drive to defragment you do things like this... now, if anyone would like to RATIONALLY argue any of these points, feel free... otherwise retarded and unbacked comments will be looked down upon, intelligent comments only please.
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Post by Robotojon »

ok, all thats really changed is being able to receive a rmb pass from behind at short distance and volly it. Sounds fair to me for it to be removed, as it was a lame trick whored by no skill clans. Made the game boring when thats all they did.they can still do the same vollys, though, just now they have to use lmb and a bit of skill.
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Post by Onge »

I am surprised by the reaction of some people here. You can still score volley goals. Volley power is only reduced for self-vollies. That god awful skill-less 3rd jump volley shit is gone. I really don't see the problem here - volley only games are still very playable.

And saying non-vo games are boring is madness - You can score more types of goals in this gametype!
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Post by R3L!K »

for what ungodly reason do you find to constantly change the characteristics of the game just to suit your needs
It's called game balancing. People may or may not agree with the changes. Some have been good some bad. That's all part of the process of evolution.

Now let me just make something plainly clear.

I have no problems with using volleys and if you think they've been nerfed than thats a different issue.

Now to the garbage you've posted above. I fail to see how a post mainly consisting of flames and quotes from others can be described as a rational argument. I do hope to god you really didn't have to think too hard with comments like 'Fucked up VO mode means less variety, get your facts straight.'

Anyway, since you're obviously so intelligent maybe you can explain to me how removing the ability to shoot directly at the goal adds more to the gameplay?

Everything you can do in VO you can do in Reg, but Reg has the additional option of a direct shot. So how can VO have more moves?

Answer that please.
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Post by Shev.npu »

wtf bollox to u :/ u have no idea... i dont think any of u guys play a competitive pickup match :x

vo is still compatible with 3rd jump to the side and behind(yes it is u just need to master ur way round it.. but its less fun) and jesus wept ur saying ur wank if u cant charge em up a volley pass! think how bad it is when we play 18+ ¬_¬ ever see them use rmb? ever see them do ghey self volleys? nah its a load of skilled small crosses infront of em to volley, much more affecting that ur whinging u want back

if u really wanna learn how to play db making it fun without volley games boring shit for keepers cant save jack didly squat, learn how to boost the defence away, get behind them, time ur shooting into a corner, get some real skill.. volleys pfrt

Alars (9th Post on Thread):
"ummm - you can still volley off a teammates cross, so stop whoring the ball and pass."
Response- Read above, now defender can just play the pass and the hell with the shooter. There goes the bait and feed technique.

load of shit m8, if the shooter charges, its either at the keeper or at the player (TO VOLLEY MAYBE), this makes life much easier for attacker, cuz if u wanna pass to him defender then can say hell with the shooter, he aint gonna score with rmb right?
and if u mean when he jumps and the defender needs work to do with jumping and now he doesnt cuz he cant volley it... there is a release but u know! there is bounce! there is step back and volley it! the ball doesnt follow all moves of the attacker
Last edited by Shev.npu on 24-08-2004 10:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CorDawg »

"But for right now in a VO match, if there's a 2 on 1, the defender will take the pass everytime because the shot is going to be a dead slow attempt"

Thats when you take a normal shot kthx and score.
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Post by priior »

i think the problem is.. based on all the people i see complaining..

everyone who is complaining about the volleys peeds are people who rarely use left mouse button volley sets..

i play enough on NA public servers to see that you even get scolded if you set up a volley with charge shot.

well, maybe the time has come for NA public server l33t players to add to their repertoire of moves? (isnt THIS variety?)

notice none of the NA "non-vo specialized" clan members are complaining? and arguably, some of them can volley as well if not better than the public players? (things to think about...)