
Problems setting up a server and other server related things

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Post by [WKD]_4-Ever »

After messing with this 2.1 is a little taste of my frustration...ENJOY.

I can only laugh at this point to keep my sanity.

After deleting and reloading the new mod this is one of the many issues I have. The scoreboard doesn't work, the F1 doesn't list players,....blah blah.

I hope to talk with Imag tonight and get it fixed. I am just not very happy with the level of difficulty it takes to install and run multiple mods...I AM not paying for a DB only server. I am paying for a UT2004 server that has the ability to run MANY different game types and mods.


Imaginos' edit: Follow-Up

I got 4-Ever's server working last night. Was an easy fix. All he needed to do was add the serverpackages for Deathball, Deathball_rc and DeathballAI.
Last edited by [WKD]_4-Ever on 25-08-2004 00:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lima_Bean »

lol nice pics
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Post by l0afz »

lol internet
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Post by Mojo »

That's just sad. I guess by this point we should all be used to patches and new versions of UT and DB that actually suck more than their previous demonic incarnations. But no, I still manage to be surprised just how F'd up some of this stuff is. Instead of playing on our new WKD server, poor 4Ever has been spending his time (and mine) just trying to get the damn thing to run like it should. Sad, just sad.
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Post by [WKD]_Thex »

Hey guys that was a nice picture of me don't you think!....LOL Ok so it has some bugs but we didn't have to pay for it so it could be worse. Well, I hope David you get the bugs out and also would love to see warfare soon, we old men (Lou and I) really like playing it. I just play for fun, killing Mojo and 4Ever is a real big bonus! :D And to hear those two sweet little words Wicked Sick!
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Post by Imaginos »


I got 4-Ever's server working last night. Was an easy fix. All he needed to do was add the serverpackages for Deathball, Deathball_rc and DeathballAI.
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Post by Messy »

Stop blaming DavidM or TV for your own mistakes? ;)

[/flamebait] (sorry)