make up your mind sprint or not

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make up your mind sprint or not

Post by theberkin8or »

i think this is already happending but you just simply can't have the choice situation we have now, it sucs, if i am used to playing not spring i can't play sprint and if i am used to playing sprint i can't play normal, so we need to make up our minds, i honestly don't care which gets choosen just make a choice
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Post by beefsack »

i think it should be left in, but off by default. i just had an awesome 2v2 map that wouldnt have been the same without sprint.
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Post by NaB »

binks STFU already :rolleyes:

i mean 38 posts in what, a week?

give it a f**king rest will ya :spammer:

heh, just noticed beef had 38 as well. so you STFU too ;) and while i'm here i may as well tell king o spam Surge to FSTFU UFS

its doing my head in, just cos your post count was re-set, so f**ing what!. Its getting really hard to read this forums cos af the amount of BS posts.
Last edited by NaB on 15-03-2003 13:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Surge »

NaB wrote: ...and while i'm here i may as well tell king o spam Surge to FSTFU UFS...

n00bies like you shouldnt play with fire. your going to get burned in a bad way.

Secondly i'm not the king of spam, Berk is. If i wanted to be the king of spam i'd make a spam post in a perfectly topical forum complaining about spam.. oh wait a second...

On topic: As far as i'v heard from the majority of US players is that if this becomes any more like football they'r all quitting because Deathball != football. If infact deathball does become soccer we'll just all revert to patch 1.4b and play amongst ourselves. Theres well over 50 of us that i can think of.

Also, this is 100% why sprinting sucks. No lies. I just came back from 3 sprint on games and these were the 3 biggest complaints for OTHER people in those games.

#3) Sprinting lags the game graphically

#2) Sprinting totaly ruins the game flow and teamwork aspect

#1) Sprinting is completely rigged for the defenders

now, i thought about these and they are right. Those are the major problems. What good does sprinting do anyways? just speed up how every1 moves and the ball speed and were good to go.

now to elaborate on all these points with my opinion.

#3) Sprinting lags the game graphically:

This is true. I run on an P3 866 with a geforce 4 ti4200 64bit card. My computer itself has constant graphical lag no matter what settings i use in UT. Making layers constantly use the sprint it does make my framerate skip a bi now and then. Its not incredably bad so dont get me wrong, but its annoying and depending on the game quite frequent. If sprinting didnt use trails i'm sure it'd be fine.

#2) Sprinting totaly ruins the game flow and teamwork aspect

Sprinting encourages heros. It encourages people to take off down the field at full sprint and go for a long bomb pass into the enemies P box. I'v seen it. I do it. It works. How much teamwork is involved in boosting a defender, sprinting downfield, catching some long bomb pass, then scoring? none. It requires 1 pass.

#1) Sprinting is completely rigged for the defenders

This one was the most obvious and had been sitting infront of me the entire time. Theres actually 2 reasons.
First being the Sprint Boost (aka n00b boost) which essentially sends you the enitre length of the pitch in 1 boost. with 2 boosters when you run through the middle and get launched you can literally go outside of the map using this boost. Its very common on US sprint servers and totally ruins gameplay. Now your thinking "why not just take out boosting?" and the simple reason is because boosting works and has for as long as we've been able to use it. It also has its own drawbacks in the since that defenders can knock their own team mates out of the way of passes/shots.
Secondly, and this refers to how you want Deathball to be "realistic". When attack a team 2 on 2 one player will carry the ball up the field and the other will run with them usually somewhere on the opposite side of the field. Now, assuming to doesnt get volley spammed, intercepted or goes astray the ball will eventually make it to the Pbox or just outside of it when the forwards must stop and shot. keyword: stop. In real life in soccer you dont have to charge your kick. its one simple leg motion that takes maybe a second to fully contact with the ball at a good amount of power. In Deathball thats different. In deathball you have to stand there or slowly jump around for 1-1.4 seconds to let go of a good powered shot. Because of the range of the hammer the player can be a good 2-3 "feet" away from you and still whack you. Due to the horribly small scaling of db maps to provide a more fast paced game that means a defender can leave a lone attack sitting at the opposite end of the pbox. wait for a pass to be thrown to this open man, aprint across and whack him in a matter of about 1.2 seconds. either way the defender will get gibbed and defense will likely take over possesion. In real football it takes the shooter a fraction of a second to shoot, and the defender about 2-3 second to run across a pbox even if sprinting. when one value is too long and one value is too short something is wrong. It was never wrong before, but it is now thanks to sprinting.

Now this is my arguement to David M in particular: Sprinting adds nothing to the game. It only sucks the fun out of it. Watching your attackers go upfield only to get stomped by some sprint abusing defender unless they let some akward banana/volley shot fly past the keeper from 30 feet out is not a game. I used to be the master of close range shooting in patches 1.2-1.4b and now my offensive strategy is totally fucked up because you want to totally alter the way deathball is played to suit your own clans personal play style. I'v watched cY replays. You can't deny it. cY is a volley whore team that rely on cherry picking or 2v1's to score and win games, your keeper Taurus catches more than he vollies and slowing down ball movement (passing wise) helps your defenders a great deal more than you would believe. Stop catering to your own god damn team and make the game fun for the rest of us. If i had a 100+ score differential in my league i dont think i'd worry too much about losing a few because you cant score as well or you actually get scored against.

By the way, come play Blood Pit with us sometime, we've all gotten pretty good at that since Deathball is totally pointless to play on pub servers and scrimming and league matches are all anyone ever really plays anymore.

Note: Surge == King of the long post :)
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Post by NaB »


*trembles in boots*
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Post by L33FY »

I cant be bothered to read that, So imo Sprint is ok, Its not needed, not unneeded. ;/
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Post by theberkin8or »

wow surge that was a very well writen arguement congrades on not flaming davidm until the very end ;)

btw who the f is binks?

ooo correct me if i am wrong i believe that at least most of my 38 post are not only on topic but add something to the convo, i don't write in every thread just to write it in, i write in it when i have something to say. if you want to see spaming ask zan to send you a back up what the pdb used to be
Last edited by theberkin8or on 15-03-2003 17:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zanboo »

Surge, in American football, have you ever seen the quarterback drop back, see a break in the D and bomb the ball to the receiver for a touchdown? Same concept.

Sprinting adds breakaways, something that I really like. Sure, you could dribble it down the field, but didn't dribbling encourage the hero as well too? I saw many occasions when skilled players (including you) would dribble instead of boost.

But whatever, if you are going to leave... please go find the exit and stop your bitching. You are nothing more than a keyboard cowboy. Luckily it's not just a Deathball thing... check here. :rolleyes:
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Post by beefsack »

L33FY wrote: I cant be bothered to read that, So imo Sprint is ok, Its not needed, not unneeded. ;/

yeah, it is personal taste, and i think it always will be. thats why it can be on/off

theres common sense for ya ;)
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Post by night »

#3) Sprinting lags the game graphically:

This is true. I run on an P3 866 with a geforce 4 ti4200 64bit card. My computer itself has constant graphical lag no matter what settings i use in UT. Making layers constantly use the sprint it does make my framerate skip a bi now and then. Its not incredably bad so dont get me wrong, but its annoying and depending on the game quite frequent. If sprinting didnt use trails i'm sure it'd be fine.

ok, so minor thing. no big deal. will more than likely be improved.

#2) Sprinting totaly ruins the game flow and teamwork aspect

Sprinting encourages heros. It encourages people to take off down the field at full sprint and go for a long bomb pass into the enemies P box. I'v seen it. I do it. It works. How much teamwork is involved in boosting a defender, sprinting downfield, catching some long bomb pass, then scoring? none. It requires 1 pass.

that so completely makes no sense. **anyone that is going to try to be a hero with sprint IS ALREADY trying to be a hero w/o sprint**. and there is zero difference in what u just said and ppl boosting, which i so f***ing hate i cant put it in words.
if you dont want sprinting then stop boosting as well.
the problem you just said is the fault of boosting. how the hell you can magicly defend someone that flew over your head. while you can do nothing but watch. absolutely no way to catch him. bring in sprint, and its up to you to play BETTER defense. because he can get away from you, but unlike boost, you have the ability to keep up with him. with sprint ppl have to stop being lazy and play a man-2-man defense instead of this retarded superman zone defense.
the real difference, and what DOES add to the game is that sprinting is individually controlled. i am so damn sick of getting the ball then turning around to see ppl spend an insane amount of time trying to boost, while i am stuck running around like a damn chicken because i have no open man to pass it to.

#1) Sprinting is completely rigged for the defenders

This one was the most obvious and had been sitting infront of me the entire time. Theres actually 2 reasons.
First being the Sprint Boost (aka n00b boost) which essentially sends you the enitre length of the pitch in 1 boost. with 2 boosters when you run through the middle and get launched you can literally go outside of the map using this boost. Its very common on US sprint servers and totally ruins gameplay. Now your thinking "why not just take out boosting?" and the simple reason is because boosting works and has for as long as we've been able to use it. It also has its own drawbacks in the since that defenders can knock their own team mates out of the way of passes/shots.

here we are again. sprint boosting is bad, but normal boosting isnt :eek:. both are an exploit. 1 takes 2 men out of the action, the other takes 3 players out of the action. sounds even to me.
u either like all boosing, or none of it.

Secondly, and this refers to how you want Deathball to be "realistic". When attack a team 2 on 2 one player will carry the ball up the field and the other will run with them usually somewhere on the opposite side of the field. Now, assuming to doesnt get volley spammed
yes, the volley shit is still way out of hand,
intercepted or goes astray the ball will eventually make it to the Pbox or just outside of it when the forwards must stop and shot. keyword: stop. In real life in soccer you dont have to charge your kick. its one simple leg motion that takes maybe a second to fully contact with the ball at a good amount of power. In Deathball thats different. In deathball you have to stand there or slowly jump around for 1-1.4 seconds to let go of a good powered shot. Because of the range of the hammer the player can be a good 2-3 "feet" away from you and still whack you. Due to the horribly small scaling of db maps to provide a more fast paced game that means a defender can leave a lone attack sitting at the opposite end of the pbox. wait for a pass to be thrown to this open man, aprint across and whack him in a matter of about 1.2 seconds. either way the defender will get gibbed and defense will likely take over possesion. In real football it takes the shooter a fraction of a second to shoot, and the defender about 2-3 second to run across a pbox even if sprinting. when one value is too long and one value is too short something is wrong. It was never wrong before, but it is now thanks to sprinting.

very valid point. but that is part of the balancing that will be needed. you are attempting to kill everything about sprint in its first release without giving it time to mature. everything else in this game has needed some time to fall in place. let this have its time

Now this is my arguement to David M in particular: Sprinting adds nothing to the game. It only sucks the fun out of it. Watching your attackers go upfield only to get stomped by some sprint abusing defender unless they let some akward banana/volley shot fly past the keeper from 30 feet out is not a game. I used to be the master of close range shooting in patches 1.2-1.4b and now my offensive strategy is totally fucked up because you want to totally alter the way deathball is played to suit your own clans personal play style. I'v watched cY replays. You can't deny it. cY is a volley whore team that rely on cherry picking or 2v1's to score and win games, your keeper Taurus catches more than he vollies and slowing down ball movement (passing wise) helps your defenders a great deal more than you would believe. Stop catering to your own god damn team and make the game fun for the rest of us. If i had a 100+ score differential in my league i dont think i'd worry too much about losing a few because you cant score as well or you actually get scored against.

a sprint 'abuser' means he would hardly ever have any sprint charge available to use (and therefore never be a threat) OR would be extra smart about using it and have it ready when truly needed.
catching more than he vollies means he is a damn good keep.
slowing down the game is how u control the game.
so then the next time u get a man advantage on offense you're gonna wait for their defense to catch up ?

and this is rather funny, "I used to be the master of close range shooting in patches 1.2-1.4b and now my offensive strategy is totally fucked up because you want to totally alter the way deathball is played to suit your own clans personal play style"

you say he wants to cater to 'his' team, but he messed up 'your' strategy. so who wants what suited to whos style exactly ??

and just to be thorough, im gonna post this again :
[22:33] <|-NS-|night> the game is boring as hell like this
[22:34] <|-NS-|night> everyone is the same speed, there is no strategy, no making runs, no trying to get open
[22:34] <|-NS-|night> no breakaways
[22:34] <|-NS-|night> getting a long ball pass and running up the field in slowmotion does not count
[22:35] <|-NS-|night> if there is space to recieve a pass, u have no way to get there and make use of it
[22:37] <|-NS-|night> this game is just not what it could be and should be

[22:38] <|-NS-|night> it will be tweaked out
[22:38] <|-NS-|night> just like everything else
[22:39] <|-NS-|night> im better scoring as an opportunist
[22:39] <|-NS-|night> cuz right now forward sux cuz u cant get space or time for yourself to do anything
[22:40] <|-NS-|night> its boring as forward
Last edited by night on 16-03-2003 09:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hoju »

Some examples of why sprint sucks:

When you play a team with an especially tough defense, you find it tough to get open on offense. So, after lots of moving around you bump them away. You right click to ask for the pass, the pass comes. Defender quickly sprints over and he catches it and knocks it away.

Another situation, you get behind the defense and are right outside the box with no room to sprint away from the D (you'd end up in the pbox getting killed by the keep) you get the pass, go up for the shot, defender sprints back and hits you and you miss the shot.

And a complaint about jump draining stamina: many of my methods of getting open involve jumping. All this jumping drains my stamina so that even if I wanted to sprint, I couldn't.

And, I realize nothing is going to come of this arguing anyway, since DavidM doesn't always listen to the community, so I'll just try to improve the situation somewhat. In the settings list when you click on a server, it should display if sprinting and banana are on or off.
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Post by JODECI »

Have to say I dont mind either ways of playing. Altho I do seem to enjoy it more when sprinting is off as it forces ppl to pass more like on 1234 cube server.
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Post by Rhinosaur »

I just don't think that it's necessary. I haven't noticed all of the problems that some folks here have (shocked at the devotion, nay obsession, to a game!) but I can see their points if true.
From a simpler perspective, sprint isn't needed at all. Deathball is a fun game and like Sir Speaksalot (Surge...j/k, m8!) once said.....keep it simple. IMHO, Deathball is a great game when left bare of some of these add-ons.
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Post by night »

Hoju wrote: Some examples of why sprint sucks:

When you play a team with an especially tough defense, you find it tough to get open on offense. So, after lots of moving around you bump them away. You right click to ask for the pass, the pass comes. Defender quickly sprints over and he catches it and knocks it away.

Another situation, you get behind the defense and are right outside the box with no room to sprint away from the D (you'd end up in the pbox getting killed by the keep) you get the pass, go up for the shot, defender sprints back and hits you and you miss the shot.

And a complaint about jump draining stamina: many of my methods of getting open involve jumping. All this jumping drains my stamina so that even if I wanted to sprint, I couldn't.

#1 -u completely dont see the point there. u bump them away then YOU sprint. if you dont sprint to make space then of course trhey will be right back. and what you is already how it is w/o sprint [OMFG, i dont know wtf that sentence was supposed to be]. cuz of this noob jump whenever timing, when you get bumped just jump and you end up right back where you would have if they never bumped you.

#2 -how did you get behind the defense to begin with ? using sprint ? then they could use it as well to catch you. if it wasnt by using sprint, then how much farther ahead could you have been with it ?

#3 - he has already said he is gonna remove the jump draining stamina
Last edited by night on 18-03-2003 07:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by f1end »

I have 2 points...

1: It causes lag...easy to fix...get rid of the trails.

2: It makes a game scrappier...
i.e. More frags, missed passes, interceptions, turnovers, missed shots.

My opinion...take out complicates deathball just that little bit too much, which effects gameplay. Having played with and without sprint on, the games with it off were more enjoyable, and closer games.