for anyone interested in creating something like this, i've made a small script that allows easy creation of a basic scoreboard texture. now you only need this script (how to setup this is desciped in a few words in it's readme), a nice scoreboard mesh (you can use monitorb from one of the default packages if you don't have something better) and a background texture for the scoreboard itself (in the screenshot this is the red and the blue line around the numbers, but could be anything else). the two textures (background and the scripted scoreboard) have to be combined using a *surprise* "Combiner" Texture (CO_Add, AO_Add is used on the screenshot). next asign the combiner texture as skin to your static mesh (properties->display->skins).
post any other questions here, maybe someone will answer them, if you're lucky
bURNINGrOID wrote:
Sweet! Now can you do a jumbotron with replays and cool camera angles of live play? =)
it actually is possible to do a "replay" but i dont think you could isolate it to a screen on the map. You'd have to use camera angles that would be activated by triggers on the map judged by the balls location and it would take some major coding.
They'd be at longest 15 seconds too which i think is the time allotted between goals right now (unless you have short goals on) You'd just have to use the editor's ability to make the 15 second flyby clips that you can put on at the beginning of maps but find a way to play it on goal trigger and find a way to make it record durring game play for specific locations.