curve button

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curve button

Post by theberkin8or »

ok i don't know how many ppl still us the scroll wheel to curve the ball but i don't, i use my side mouse buttons to do it, but there is a problem, this isn't a problem with the wheel but when you have it set up so that it is possible to press the curve button and the shoot button at the same time, when you do so the ball doesn't curve, this is very frustrating cuz you can't tell if you pressed them at the same time until you release.

is there anyway that you could make it so that if the curve button is pressed down that no matter when you press the shoot button it would curve? would save me from looking stupid so often :P
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Post by Surge »

if your curving the ball every time you shoot it you deserved to be kicked in the testicals and peed on. Also, you can use a divider in the binds to do this if you really wanted to..

do: set imput (key) (primary fire name) | NextWeapon or PrevWeapon

next is left and prev is right i *think*
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Post by theberkin8or »

i certainly don't curve everytime but it is annoying to have it not curve when i mean it to
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Post by night »

i cant fathom using the mouse for it.

ive always played from the numpad.
left curve i hit with my palm (right arrow) and right curve with my thumb (period).

but it is really annoying. ive had to really train myself to hit curve just after i start charging.
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Post by theberkin8or »

the mouse roxers, when you have the mouse i do (the inteli that is made for either left or right handed ppl, so it has 4 butttons on excluding the wheel)
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Post by theberkin8or »

surge i just went to do what you said then i realized you got what i said all wrong, i mean make it so that if i press the curve button the same time as the shot button that it will still curve

as night said i am trying to train myself to press it afterwards but it is a real challege and i don't think it is something that should be a challege, so davidm could you please fix this one, it would seem to be too trebbably hard and would improve gameplay at least for me and night ;)
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Post by Paraone »

you could just click the curve button twice to be sure...assuming you are letting the shot charge...just a suggestion...i use the mouse roller...but i can tell you i don't start rolling the mouse then click the shoot button...i hold down shoot and then roll the why don't u just click shoot then curve...i don't get it?

and changing something for 2 people would be I could say...TAKE OUT SPRINT davidm so the game is easier for me and surge and so we like it more....

what you are asking is he do something to make ur life easier...its a takes skill (or should) so skill involves pressing buttons in the right order....i mean...why can't davidm code it so i can have seperate keys for dodge when i am keep...cuz i hate when i dodge out of the way when I am keep on accident....thats just stupid...its a game...don't ask him to change something just for so far are the only one i have heard complain about it so seems like a very specifici problem for you and your uncoordinated fingers :p
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Post by theberkin8or »

lol i beleave there is a way to bind dodge to a button (i have heard about it before but maybe they were full of shit)

i don't beleave it is changing the game much at all, just making something that should be obvious work when it doesn't, if you felt it was an actaul skill to not press the two buttons at the same time then give me something on the hud that tells me if the shot is going to curve or not.

i don't beleave it would make anything too easy, just a little more certain, i will do that double click thing it is good idea, thanks but i don't think this would be a hard thing to change, and i don't think it would hurt anything to change it, if you can give me a reason that it would hurt anything tell me and i will stfu, it just seems like an oversight more than an intended feature and thus it would seem obvious that it shoudl be changed as not to cause untention problems

btw it is not that i have uncoordinted figure it is the way it is set up on my computer which i beleave it much better than the wheel, much less ackward
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Post by Surge »

you cant bind dodge to a key unless you have a really cool keyboard or superpad. If you put strafeRight | straferight as a bind its one fluid motion, not a dodge.