does low cube make anyone else play worse?

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does low cube make anyone else play worse?

Post by theberkin8or »

i thought i was the only one but it seems that other ppl have trouble playing on low cube too, it could be some psyc thing like we play cube so much we are used the background when we play (this is a true psyc therio, it is shown that ppl do better on things like tests if they are in the same enviroment that they learned in).

those are the same back ground wall as 1.4b's right (it already seems so long ago)? i just don't know it is werid but i honestly can't focus and play as well in low cube. werid stuff
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Post by Dream Killer »

Its all in your head. I play fine on Low-cube, and don't notice any other good players getting bad on that one map.
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Post by Surge »

its quite bland... it makes me play worse and feels like gameplay is brutally slow...

On a side note. David M and map. Look at the wall on the same side as the sun is (left faceing the red end) and go to a corner. Tell me those textures line up.

Its 4 walls and he screws it up. go figure.
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Post by theberkin8or »

i figured out what part of it, maybe this is just my setings but where the shadow isn't there is glare that makes it harder to see, sorta like legofan, i feel blind in that map, thank good servers stoped rotating it all the time

but i really do play much worse in that map
Last edited by theberkin8or on 12-03-2003 07:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jet2lag »

hm agree - things ARE harder to see ...

probably because its so ugly that it hurts :p
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Post by night »

cuz one end is in the shade, and the other is bright as hell. gives me a headache
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Post by 1234Bedlam »

The only thing I've noticed with lowcube is that it looks shorter than it really it - from the keepers perspective that is.
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Post by Cyph »

Yeh. Cube feels bigger, probably because of the background. It's pretty difficult to judge where you are on Lowcube.
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Post by DavidM »

you sure do worse on lowcube.....
you dont have your fans there :|
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Post by OhWeia »

oh.. if you want to twaek low cube one day... make it possible to spec from high above to see the whole field (like a giant radar :) )
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Post by fro »

does low cube make anyone else play worse?
nope, i play shit wherever. :)
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Post by theberkin8or »

davidm woudl it be possible to make cube so that it would look something like the reg cube on high setings and look more like low cube on lowest settings? i know it possible to remove some ploys and stuff, it would awsome if the ppl with the pos computers could play in something that was low poly for them but us ppl with newer systems could play with high poly
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Post by Chrisfu »

froste wrote: nope, i play shit wherever. :)
You is so modest, inneet.
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Post by SpikeBall »

LowCube make me play better, with my FPS always on the green level. Cube is good too, FPS on yellow or better.