Minor 2.0 annoyances

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Post by Onge »

- Ball reset on IceDemon is way too low (let it hit the roof ffs)
- Endgame replay vote still doesn't work
- I get random framerate slowdown on some maps (Tribun, Cube, Chill) and other maps run ultrasmooth (Smallcube, Legofan)
- "Ball reset shot out of the field" if the ball resets after being idle or when you score normal goal on VO server
- Fog in November isn't as good as in UT2K3
- You can still jump on the chairs in Greenbaize
- Attackers keep moaning that scoring is now too hard
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Post by n00bs_own_Madogg »

"- November walls a bit too unpredictable still imo =\ (they were always..yes ¬_¬ but mehh)"

Isnt that because its rounded behind the goals :o ? (And the posts keeping up the "fence" around November are also round, bit (if not just) like goal posts ... I can predict where the ball is going to go so it cant be that hard for you Messy :P)
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Post by ray_MAN »

How about getting rid of the awards all together? Too many times I play with people who brag about the awards they have gotten. It doesn't support a friendly community.
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Post by Inphidel »

I agree, get the voice actor to do the following:

Volley Only, Ball Reset!
Frozen Ball Reset!


A few annoying things I've noticed in the new version

in older games a Keep could dodge out, kill an attacker in the pzone with the ball and imeediately pick up the ball. now its as if you and the ball occupie the same space, but you don't pick it up till you walk away and back onto it :< thus easy volley goal for anyone near the keep. same thing when anyone kills someone with the ball. ::shrugs::
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Post by Messy »

Err..the current voice was done by some epic dude ;) don't think he would help out again, would he? (..would he? o_O)
ray_MAN wrote: How about getting rid of the awards all together? Too many times I play with people who brag about the awards they have gotten. It doesn't support a friendly community.

Sorry ;) :(
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

the .2 and the bounce radius are WAY WAY WAY too big

i played a mixer last night, .2 all over the place, and the ball flys off of the map (as it used to in some previous version)

its too tough to actually shoot on a net, all the defender has to do is stand in front of you, or jump in front of net holding down alt fire
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Post by The_One »

I agree, they are slightly too big. I said that the day after 2.0 was released but DavidM dismissed it.
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Post by DavidM »

People always have trouble with bouncing when they are new to 2.0 and used to 1.9b

after some days they figure it out, and the moaning stops
and the poll that asks about the current deflecting, the majority likes it.....so that will stay for now
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Post by f1end »

I like the way the new bounce works (and I'm a bounce whore).

But it does seem to have gone back to pre-1.9 randomness (e.g. occasionally bouncing really slow)
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Post by n00bs_own_Madogg »

"and the poll that asks about the current deflecting, the majority likes it.....so that will stay for now"

:o!!!!!! what! what do you mean "for now" X_X
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

DavidM wrote: People always have trouble with bouncing when they are new to 2.0 and used to 1.9b

after some days they figure it out, and the moaning stops
and the poll that asks about the current deflecting, the majority likes it.....so that will stay for now

the only problem i have with bouncing the ball myself (on offense) is if im too close to the wall, my alt fire doesnt seem to "fire" and the ball goes right by me.

But it is way too easy to sit there and whore it (sit in the pbox and hold down alt fire...hard to get it past people like that with a large radius) Just make it so rmb doesnt work in your own penalty zone, and that problem would be fixed

the .2 radius is huge, and the deflections are random like in 1.8, balls fly off of the map, and across the map, and then other times barely bounce at all and roll into the net. It's really random, and half the time its not actually hitting a body part of thiers (or thats what it looks like at least) It's far too easy to deflect things, if an attacker is running at the pbox he doesnt have much of a chance other than a volley, because if he charges to shoot, people either just have to jump in front of the net and deflect or rmb it out, or jump in front of him and it will NEVER get by them

makes attacking really annoying.
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Post by Messy »

- Auto taunts have 'Same Team' messages on when boosted.

Remove this or remove autotaunts ;) (I hate them ;p)
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Post by Genarator~ »

I have noticed a few things that have made it hard for me.

1. The time it takes for the ball to register to be shot again is WAY to long. ( I can hammer after the ball has been passed to me and I still have the ball its ridiculous)

2. When you catch the ball and you are holding down left mouse button (fire) it doesnt power up you have to take your finger off it and then press it again and sometimes when I release it, it fires it off without any power.

3. The ball seems to stick to the ground alot more when its there and you go to hammer it across to anther player.

While I am here and complaining I am going to be a whore and ask if Sprint can be made availible as an option in the next build because I really miss it T_T

I dont think its fair to say that its to hard to attack its gotten a bit hard with the slower speeds of volleys and no sprint but I guess its "even" (well at least Armagon thinks so :/)
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Post by <_Kapi_> »

DavidM wrote: People always have trouble with bouncing when they are new to 2.0 and used to 1.9b

after some days they figure it out, and the moaning stops
and the poll that asks about the current deflecting, the majority likes it.....so that will stay for now

MAJORITY??? i think its more like a split decision...and if you look at it now :
Do u think the Deflect...
You have already voted on this poll.
it's ok 24 47.06%
Should be balanced and reduced a bit 27 52.94%
Total: 51 votes 100%

So why not tweak it down some. kthx:noob:
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Post by DavidM »

because people voted before playing it for at least 2 weeks, i totally ignore this as i mention all the time
its the same every release, people moan about new things before they tested it properly