Deathball Defense

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Post by Rino »

wtf is this bullshit, foo is right. Attackers SHOULDN'T get a chance in a 1 vs 1... its a teamgame, ego goals sux anyway

As usually , i disagree with Rage...
Ok it's a teamplay game, but football is too, and sometime u see some individual great action anyway, especially in 1on1 situation....
So MAKE NO TOTAL SENSE that in 1on1 an attacker SHOULD ALWAYS LOSE.... It should be more fair imo... better balanced
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Post by Onge »

If the shot is close enough to the defender to be deflected, either normally or by using the right mouse button, it doesn't deserve to scoring shot...
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Post by giber »

I don't want to and will not be argumentative here because it is your game and you are going to do with it as you wish, but if you see the way this is being used on NA servers I think you would agree that it is not the way you guys intended it. Oh well, not for me to worry, good job on an otherwise fantastic release.


Onge I agree with you for the most part, IF THE DEFENDER IS DEFENDING, but when the defender just drops back to the goal and forms a invisible wall with his right click that is where i think it is being taken advantage of.
Last edited by giber on 15-06-2004 15:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Rino wrote: wtf is this bullshit, foo is right. Attackers SHOULDN'T get a chance in a 1 vs 1... its a teamgame, ego goals sux anyway

As usually , i disagree with Rage...
Ok it's a teamplay game, but football is too, and sometime u see some individual great action anyway, especially in 1on1 situation....
So MAKE NO TOTAL SENSE that in 1on1 an attacker SHOULD ALWAYS LOSE.... It should be more fair imo... better balanced

because your soooo good and you woulnd't mind making it easier on the attackers right?
with you in sweep they ain't gonna score anyway. tsk tsk. Defenders are having a hard job as it is, and comparing this with football is somewhat irrelevant
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Post by fs|Pele »

no , i concur that the national anthem of holland sucks
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Post by Sixty »

Kinda true, but it is the oldest one in the world. It was made in the time that holland was ruled by Spain.

In the song we say we are 'from german blood' and we 'honour the spanish king'. -.-

(on a side note, we also are 'faithfull to our homeland', wich points to holland, i hope)
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Post by PHiLø »

god save the queen :)
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Post by Rino »

Onge I agree with you for the most part, IF THE DEFENDER IS DEFENDING, but when the defender just drops back to the goal and forms a invisible wall with his right click that is where i think it is being taken advantage of

INDEED THE RMB TRICKS REALLY SUcKS but if TV won't change it, u will see how funny the real wars will be....
I see everyone starting to use it , in pickup too! and this really is ruining the fun
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Post by {UFO}Viper »

We were playing a mixer today and one team had pretty much already lost so they just started to experiment with the right click. They stuck 3 of their guys in front of the net with right click held down and the goalie was roaming the box.

It was impossible to score.

I'm not saying they are going to score any goals like that but if a team gets a lead in a game and just decides to do that to protect the lead it will create a lot of controversy.
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Post by CripTonic »

I was playing a bit of defense earlier today to see how hacked out this "right click" is and this is my obsevations:

First of all, the attacker is the only person in this situation who can die. This alone is an enormous plus because the attacker has NO WAY of removing the defender, but the defender has multiple ways of nullifying the threat.

That being said, why is the attacker getting close enough to shoot int he first place? The defenders job doesnt start when the attack has the ball at the Penelty box. If the attacker has the ball and is within scoring distance it's more the keepers job to stop the shot than the defenders to save him, especially since the keeper can cover the entire net span by dodging.

That aside, defense is unheard of in this game, but "walling" sure works good. Walling is eliminating shots completely opposed to stealing the ball, which is what defense is really suppost to do, just watch hockey or american football. A defende is not a keeper, he shouldnt be stopping shots but preventing them, hence why they arnt called keepers and cant wear gloves. This brings me back to my first point, there is no way of removing this defender, and thus, the situation is an extreme uphill battle.

Back to the point of this (now that i've gone well off track) defending is super easy. All you have to do is sit in the penelty zone and wait for the attackers. If there is one you just have to wait till he does something, literally.

If he rushes the zone, you gib him. if he dances outside, you shake him. If he sets up a wall-pass-volley, you hit him so he cant connect it on the way back. The defender has just won 3/3 situations with little to no effort other than following the attacker and hitting him helplessly seeing as he has no chance to defend himself in 2/3 of these situations, the onyl one he can is the wall-volley and even then, what are the ods he can shake the d off and then hit a volley with the refire delay? If he does he sure is far away.

On top of this, in the event you mis him while trying to shake him, you can just mash right click, if he shoots it anywhere in your general vacinity the shot is redirected away.

I used to play a lot of CS, Doom, Quake etc. before I started playing Deathball (right when it was released for 2004) and we have a name for people that sit in places that they are invulnurable or have a huge advantage over the other team or other players in general. We call them campers. If you play defense using the methods i've listed above: Congrat, you're a camper.

I'v only played this game 2 weeks now and I find it extremely easy to defend. So much so that I generally stick to playing offense because at least there its challenging when theres a defender. I get kicks from beating people that do the tactics listed above because in all knoesty, its quite possibly the easiest position in the game! Its like playing Bombing Run with a super-shock rifle camping the enemy goal using shock combos; they can hit you, and all you can do is dodge like crazy and hope like hell they dont hit you. I'v played a lot of CTF and Bombing Run, and people that do that crap get kicked all the time!

This might be a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but it's THAT EASY. I'v been playing for 2 weeks and I'm already noticing a HUGE lack of defensive "skill" on all public servers (in NA anyways, pings are too high on euro servers), all they do is camp, and when they don't camp, there's no defense.
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Post by 1234Bedlam »

Good job this is a team game and not a 1-man-army type of game.
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Rino wrote: wtf is this bullshit, foo is right. Attackers SHOULDN'T get a chance in a 1 vs 1... its a teamgame, ego goals sux anyway

omfg.. thats the dumbest thing ever.

Seriously, you've surpassed your idiocracy (oooh) on IRC.

David already said he'd do "something" didnt he?
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Post by Morning*Star »

he was just quoting rage i think, needs more quote tags
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Then Rage has :rolleyes:

i probably should have read the thread \o/
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Post by RaGe|DB »

why is it dumb, you guys can have chances, but imo its a teamgame o/