Purpose of the 1 sec hammer delay?

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Post by {ULK}AcE »

I'm gonna try to break it down:

VO - sensless hogging and attempting to score, no passing is necessary to score which eliminates the purpose of a team. Also, most players who play VO usually just spam the hammer and hope they hit the ball and it goes in.

Reg - If you hog, you lose, period. You can't win unless you pass in Reg. The map is no issue at all; you can't score playing Reg in SmallCube or anything unless you pass.
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Post by Twigstir »

Your statement is pure stupidity. See the post before your for the answer.
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Post by Bounty »

Ace = :noob:
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Post by Inphidel »

Hogging the bal has nothing to dow ith what mode your playing..

i usually found it more likely there woudl be less team work on reg then vo for pubs atleast. cuz some people think they got the leetest shot so they don't even bother passing when they get close to the keep.

in vo. you need to pass. its the jackasses that self set off the wall. don't blame VO for that. its the ego of the player.

if you played REG on Cube and VO on cube. it would be exactly the same except in vo you can't take a charged shot...

if anything blame the small maps for spam...
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Post by InSaNe` »

So take out most of the small maps?

Maybe that'll solve the problem?
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Post by Inphidel »

Yeah. that would solve alot of the spammy games problem.. but i do like some of the spam :) alot of stupid yet funny things happen durring it.
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Post by theberkin8or »

twig, again what you said is correct but missing the point (in your response to me) sure VO is different on different maps and would be different if it was played at a more competive level but the fact is that it isn't. It is more correct to talk to about what a thing is currently than what it could be in purely thoerical point of view. And it would blow if it was more competive tbh, volley only without the high scores and the fast paced action would suck more than small sided reg game (which i do believe was the reason why VO was created).

I do disagree that VO take less skill than REG becuase this is clearly changed when you get a decent defender in there. But you are incorrect about VO being a good source of new players for DB, sure the modest few that have joined the community for a while have come from VO but VO in comparsion to REG is a much worse recurter of new players. It is much easer to understand that you want to put the ball in the back of the net than it is to understand that you must hit it off something first, not to meantion you just have a bunch of ppl hogging the ball half the time so they don't even get a chance. This make a huge difference.

If we are going to focus on making Pub play more fun, we need to focus on making REG more fun and try to get away from only playing VO.
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Post by Inphidel »

well lately. its been all reg on the NA servers and i'm pretty happy. on occation the teams get stacked with vets vs noobs. and the vets do VO just to be nice i guess? haha tho even if we still pwn them. they get used to such tricks so its no big suprise in the future... i don't see a problem with VO being the predominate game in NA anymore. reg is fun again

probably because all the new players have been really cool about trying every little map on the vote just to see it.