makush wrote:
Tip: hold secondary fire while volleying..
Always works =) and if it doesn't, you get that annoying effect where you can change directions etc (I don't mind though)
Also, I honestly don't know if this is in DB2.0 (in which case: please ignore me), but there's a n00bshot (without deflect or anything) possible if you shoot, catch, shoot, volley (it goes off straight away, just like with the bounce..exactly like the 1.4 n00bshot).
btw: For everyone asking for UT2k4 models, obviously DavidM wants unity in Deathball, and independency for Deathball.
I seem to have this thing happen to me occasionally:
I may miss time a volley (I'm not sure if that's when it happens or not)
Next I here the charge up sound but I'm not holding down shoot.
I either have to click the shoot button, which spits it out, or just let it overcharge on its own.
makush wrote:
Tip: hold secondary fire while volleying..
This is a useful tip.
The weird hammer bugs mentioned are in addition to this. You get a full match playing volley only and you're more likely to run into weird hammer issues.
- Greenbaize still has the balls on the radar even though they have long since been removed from the map itself.
- Not a bug, but please make it so you can't reach the skeletons on Greenbaize...Everyone goes over there instead of playing the game.
- The goalposts in the middle radar still change colour (from a light yellow colour to a dark brown one and back again). Play in goal for a bit and you'll see what I mean.
- The ping displayed on F1 is wrong (F6 gives you your real ping).
- The first endgame replay doesn't follow the ball. All those that follow the first goal do.
- When a new round begins after a goal, the person who spawns near the ball loses loads of health because of the new 'ball reset killing the player' feature. Try it on November and you'll notice that player will have about 40% health just for spawning near the ball!
"- Not a bug, but please make it so you can't reach the skeletons on Greenbaize...Everyone goes over there instead of playing the game." ROFL! gimme skeletons ^^
not sure if its a bug... probably not but, i went to volley the ball in small cube just a moment ago, and rather than volley the ball, the shield gun gave off the green.. erm... UT2k4 shield gun, fire it and that green thing comes out (I cant think of the correct word right now, its 2 am / bad day) and the ball stopped dead... nvm, probably a one time only thing
"when I try to play deathball online all I see are assualt maps instead of Deathball maps but when I do go on the assualt maps I get a connection error. does anyone else have this problem or know the solution?" by neloangelo
I had deathball showing under the assult title once. Joined a server and all the models were one ut2004 model with deathball amour. Weird, only had it once though.
I agree, I think the majority of the unreal skins are fine, making specially made DB ones only makes the mod look less pro... I think the default ones fit in because they look like they belong in a deadly sport. i for one wouldn't wanna prance around in tights with big metal shoulder pads that seem to serve no reason., thats just my opinion tho
n00bs_own_Madogg wrote:
"- Not a bug, but please make it so you can't reach the skeletons on Greenbaize...Everyone goes over there instead of playing the game." ROFL! gimme skeletons ^^
not sure if its a bug... probably not but, i went to volley the ball in small cube just a moment ago, and rather than volley the ball, the shield gun gave off the green.. erm... UT2k4 shield gun, fire it and that green thing comes out (I cant think of the correct word right now, its 2 am / bad day) and the ball stopped dead... nvm, probably a one time only thing
nope, i got it again, that shield gun effect is it in the mod?
timer in botmatch fucked, only counts the time between goals, and the announcer counts upwards, when the counter is set to 0 :0
this has been mentioned many times tbh
no matter how many times i try to set bLandingViewShake to false, it just sets it back to true when i run it again in deathballuser.ini
i want to turn it off, its very annoying =)
Last edited by Chick-kun on 27-05-2004 06:20, edited 1 time in total.