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Post by Scotteh »

cuz Euro > NA

haha thats cause no one from NA likes you us all a favor and just leave all the NA chans on irc
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Post by Larry_Bird »

good cuz i dont care about NA too, they suck ass with their child attitude, i <3 Euro they are more cool :p

and in 1 month dbpug will have like 30 ppl average or less all the time watch it lol
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Post by {ULK}AcE »

Larry_Bird wrote: Hey Taliban aint shit, go back to where u came from < Israel, we dont need ya here in America cuz u suck big dick gg, go back to Israel noob shit and u even know what u are talking about .......

Man go to Israel, cuz you really suck ass :noob:

You Taliban aint shit are good at killing, you should go kill yourself kthx noobshit ugly face.:lol:

lmao hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

That's such a stupid remark I'm not gonna say anything to that lmfao.

Ok ok ok I will xD . You idiot LB, talibans are killers, they don't kill themselves; people that kill themselves are called suicide bombers. Why would I go back to Israel since they're the country that we hate? GG go to school mr 24 year old.

BTW LB what does "LOL" stand for?
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Post by {ULK}AcE »

Larry_Bird wrote: good cuz i dont care about NA too, they suck ass with their child attitude, i <3 Euro they are more cool :p

and in 1 month dbpug will have like 30 ppl average or less all the time watch it lol

hahahahhahahah even more retarded lmfao

We have a childish attitude?!!? LMFAO hahahahahaahaha

Take a good look at yourself, calling us children would be like me calling Bill Gates poor lmao.

It's 11 am and there are 40 people in #dbpug.. An average of 30 people in 1 month.. I think not.
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Post by CorDawg »

lol larry was trying to steal someones name again, Scorpio. gj larry you go through names like you go through clans
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Post by {ULK}AcE »

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Post by Larry_Bird »

CorDawg wrote: lol larry was trying to steal someones name again, Scorpio. gj larry you go through names like you go through clans

noob it was me haha stupid i got u, u seem how easy it is to have you
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Post by CorDawg »

nah i know Scorpio m8s your not smart.
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Post by Larry_Bird »

CorDawg wrote: nah i know Scorpio m8s your not smart.

You dont know him good :p

roofles, you got owned by Scorpio and you quit it gg :cry: \o/

mael quit it too after i said gg poorless quitters Cor

gg Cor , you have just been own by me again :noob:
Last edited by Larry_Bird on 23-05-2004 18:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

LB needs neutering
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Post by Xelent »

LB, if you hate NA so much, maybe you wont cry to every op in the channel to be unbanned next time. If europe is so cool, go play there. Scott wasnt kidding when he says everyone hates you.
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Post by Larry_Bird »

who cares, they hate me cuz when i quit rush forn , start to give me a bad reputationa nd the same thing happens when i quit v3.

lol and thats why im saying to you guys are child

so in a way you guys are more child then me gg
Last edited by Larry_Bird on 23-05-2004 19:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by {ULK}AcE »

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Post by Scotteh »

when you quit rush, you didn't tell no one on rush that you were quitting, you just switched your tag to v3 and left our private chan. after that, about 6 different rush tried pming you to find out why you quit, and you ignored us all. soon you started saying how rush couldn't win any games and how we all sux, even though that was the season rush blue tied v3 for 1st that season. rush picked you up because we thought you had good potential and a good attitude, as many can see we were wrong.
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Post by Larry_Bird »

I had a reason why at that time why i havent say nothing to you guys, but ask liebs , i had apologie to him and him, at least understand the why.

And yes if u want a public apologies about the way i quit rush, here it goes, : I apologies for the way I quit rush, same goes for v3, even if i didnt appreciate my time there(sin and Bo and chevy were the best m8s in v3) . But like i said, i had my reason why at that time to not say the reason why.

IF you want to still laugh about it, fine, thats mean your really a child.

And yes i still have a good attitude with the ppl who is cool with me. there is not a lot of ppl left, but still , these guys are my true m8s and that i can really count on.

Believe it or not my attitude is the same like i was in rush at start.

but u guys just want me to have a bad reputation.
Last edited by Larry_Bird on 23-05-2004 20:15, edited 1 time in total.