If you're interested to join Bann0rz, visit us @ quakenet.irc: #bann0r .
We don't have much funwars but we are trying to start another community and friendship. We got about 7 member. If you don't like the league system, most of the db player or just hate db, join us.
Btw: can i download another smilie? That 1 looks very sad
mmm why are you advertising in the db section if you hate deathball?
why dont you just leave the community if you dont like it.
i hate the communtity, its full of annoying little children who like to spell words funny cos its cool and stuff, but at least i enjoy playing the game.
dont bother wasting your time, if you dont enjoy somthing, dont play it , go wank over monkey porn or somthing
Lupex wrote:
little children who like to spell words --> GG u monkey porn wanker
DB could be cool but somefin went wrong. Maybe it was the monkey porn.... lmao