[UI] In construction

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[UI] In construction

Post by Diab »

'Lo people.

Lately, well from about a month back i have been looking into making a Deathball clan of my own for the db league, some of my original ideas were to bring bac the name ZBN but as you can see that went a little funny.

anywho the details of [UI]. UI stands for Unreal Influx, based off an old site of mine called "Influx" that holds some of my projects, artwork and the sort of stuff you find on peoples homepages.

UI is nothing to do with my own stuff and will be dedicated to a clan.

I feel that starting a clan adds one more to the slowly moving away deathball team list and i would also love the challenge to run an average clan team, i finish my 3 year art course shortly and then moving to swindon (without parents!) for 2 years for an illustration course, by this time i hope to have brought a gameserver for personal use in deathball / 2k4

If anyone out there would like to help raise up another deathball clan and join / help [UI] then please take a visit to the homepage:


Still got to buy a domain name after all this time :D
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Post by Requiem`` »

u should keep ZBN as clan name :p
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Post by Omeh »

I agree, bring back ZBN \o/ :p
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Post by Diab »

i was unable to, i did try though.
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Post by Requiem`` »

yea because ZBN was renamed in Wh° (*cough* *run away*)

ask bazzi or sign up new team

i don't really see the problem in fact o_O :eek:
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Post by Wibble »

On the whole ZBN thing - Diab did the right thing and asked the original founders (NightSpirit and Frazor) if he could resurrect the name. After discussion on the ZBN forums, it was decided that they would prefer not for it to happen.

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Post by Catalyst88 »

Aye, don't bring back old clan names... tried that ;)
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Post by Fragger »

we all know how it ends up... ;)
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Post by xiller8r »

might be interested diab, ttyl
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Post by Diab »

work tonight, sucks!

i also been probeing unreal ed and taught myself to make um, square db maps!
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Post by FireCell »

It wouldnt have made sense to bring back ZBN, for 2 reasons >_<
1) The founders who ran the ZBN Newssite would not be apart of it.
2) The clan would have 1/2 ZBN members and the rest would be new.

But anyways, good luck with UI \o
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Post by gKo°beginna »

gKo is always looking for a trainings partner. so if you look for an average skilled team (2:36 against 18+ has nothing to say ;) ) watch our forum at http://www.gko-clan.de or contact someone on icq.
just an offer and gl on your player search!!!!
Last edited by gKo°beginna on 01-05-2004 13:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ßig ßaby »

this community needs new teams so good luck and have fun! =)
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Post by n00bs_own_Madogg »

WOOO gKo are on mi friendly list already :P Goldfinger rocks
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Post by Messy »

Yes..right madogg.

Anyway, [UI] sounds great :)
And even tho I doubt it will work seeing as the current league is dying ^^;..I wish UI the best of luck :>