Having never used ued for more than a period of 36 mins before and whilst under the influence of drugs, i decided to try my hand at mapping. Moreover, since smallcube is pretty repetitive and hasnt changed much since leef's nuts dropped, i messed around with smallcube and this is the end result.
'uhm, well.. it loaded ok', 'it has atmosphere anyway', and 'i cant find the pic of your cat humping a monkey'
let me know if you experience problems but iv never mapped before, if you think this sucks, please inform me that 'i suck at internet' along with your constructive criticism
I just did a 2on2 pu on this map [since the new smallcube sux 4 2on2] and i must say its very nice to play on
I dont think u should remove the stuff in the corners cause it adds something to the gameplay and the stuff in the goal is good for the atmosphere :p
But the music does kinda suck