Do you have 2004 already?

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Do you have UT2004 already?

No, but I'll buy it!
No, can't afford it!
Not interested!
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Do you have 2004 already?

Post by DavidM »

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Post by Onge »

Yes, but I don't want it for anything other than DB...And I can't play it until I build my new PC...
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

yes, altho i wish i didn't now, it's a good game, but no time to play it and less 39€ :)
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Post by DavidM »

onge, why need a new pc for THAT?
you dont need more hardware for 2.0
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Post by Messy »

Meh..can't afford it tbh =\

I've lost my income (not a big point, since I'm 16, hence I don't depend on one to start with), and had to buy contact lenses with the last bit of my money /o\ (shite, didn't know these things were so fucking expensive O_o)
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Post by [V3]Cajubski »

£18 for ut2k4, ud prolly find more money loitering on the streets messy, but if that doesnt work, get a job :eek:
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Post by Maegrim »

i worked hard for my new nokia 6600 which will undoubtly explode next week :)
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Post by GreyFox »

ah well , /me loves sweden , i get like 100 euros / month just coz i go to high school (basicly it works like that) and i get cash from mum and dad so ....
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Post by Rino »

i have and i hope the fps will be the same with the same settings :)
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Post by RaGe|DB »

I'll get it when 2.0 is getting big o: and the new models arrive
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Post by Demolution »

only need at least...

1.2ghz cpu (intel or amd)
with 256MB sdram
and a geforce2 mx400 64mb

to run DB

seriously, i played DB with these specs and it was fine. :)
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Post by Onge »

DavidM wrote: onge, why need a new pc for THAT?
you dont need more hardware for 2.0

Firstly I lack the hard-drive space, and secondly I have the DVD-ROM version and no DVD drive! Hopefully my new PC will be ready by the weekend...:p
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Post by f1end »

Demolution wrote: only need at least...

1.2ghz cpu (intel or amd)
with 256MB sdram
and a geforce2 mx400 64mb

to run DB

seriously, i played DB with these specs and it was fine. :)

Played on less than that spec tbh...1ghz...
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Aye, i played ONS on my old 1GHz 256mb RAM machine :D

Loaded the maps slow, but the game was smooth ;)
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Post by Messy »

I play with 1 ghz too :o

And 512mb ddr sdram and an ati radeon 9800 pro :) but tbh especially the latter will never be able to perform like it should with my current cpu :s

I get 30 to 60 fps (higher some odd times)