New n00b Cannon

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Post by InSaNe` »

It's wrong because anyone can do it - hence the name, n00b cannon.

My opinion? Take it out, for the better. Like DiSt said, it promotes more ego and can be whored to the limit that someone can annoy you badly.

berk, this takes NO skill at all. I tried it and it was quite easy! Plus, I'm the biggest n00b gtfo :)
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Post by f1end »!!!!

It does actually take skill, I've been doing it since 1.7. (sort of, u used to have to wait after the boucne for .7 s i think it was). There was a thread here I started about it, cos I thought DavidM had done it by mistake, but I think it should stay others have said, it's only a whore move if u are playing VO!
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Post by theberkin8or »

^^^ only a whore move if you play VO, insane it is not a n00b move it is just as easy/hard as a regular volley... i have tried it myself
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Post by f1end »

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Post by Inphidel »

i'm at a mix about it also. I think it looks rather cool and interesting. however playing as a keep its frustrating. because it could potentioally be whored in both reg and vo.. the ball just needs to be heading at you. a cross pass bounce fake (back to the passer) and a quick shot into the goal as the keep moves to intercept or what not. tho i don't see it as being a huge problem yet. maybe time will tell?

and I don't think VO kids are egos... i find more hogging in reg then in NA vo atleast. tho on euro vo servers i guess i do see a bit of hogging.. gg euros ;) i think NA hogs more in Reg. gg NA!
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Post by theberkin8or »

it is a lot harder to hog in reg than in VO... very few can beat a defender 1 v 1 straight out but many will try in VO i don't play many pugs any more and rush in general free with our passes.

the fake bounce pass could be used... but it takes quite a bit of skill to do that (if the fake good enough to get the keeper to jump out. which i doubt) this is mostly a VO "problem"
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Post by Bounty »

haha i invented that move a long time ago when i played deathball... that's funny.
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Post by BurntLeaf »

you most probably didnt
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Post by Xelent »

Its just another VO trick to whore. Its too hard to pull off and requires too much openness to pull off in a real game. Shouldnt matter if they take it out or not, anyone who tries it in game is wasting a shot opportunity and shouldnt be playing o for their team.
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Post by Gk3 »

I personally think that it adds a new dimension to the game. I admit it is a little easier to do, but true n00bs can't do it that well anyway. Its part of the evalution of the game, something that is needed or the game will get old. Plus n00bs need to be able to do something too. I say its a good addition to the game.
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Post by BUTT »


HOLY SHIT ITS gk3 :) HI GK3 :) <3 anyways i like what gk3 has to say
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Gk3 wrote: I admit it is a little easier to do, but true n00bs can't do it that well anyway.


Plus n00bs need to be able to do something too.

:hmmmz: :p
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Post by Messy »

Some n00bs are just not "true" >:(

Ooh that reminds me,
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Post by Gk3 »

Ultimately it adds another dimension to the game. Just like putting the banana hook into the game added a new dimension. I am happy with it.


Oh and thanks for the praise BUTT.

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Post by xiller8r »

its just a cheap version of teh xillcannon tbh:x