
Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by [V3]Optimal »

I'm sticking around waiting for the day you finally come out of the closet.
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Post by DavidM »

was this funny?
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Post by [V3]Optimal »

was it?
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Post by Young_One »

yes, yes it was...anywhoo, i heard that you are taking taunts completely out of the game of db...is this true, and if so wtf m8!:mad: :confused:
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Post by The_One »

You heard wrong.
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Post by priior »

im not sure if this was posted before... my mid-term memory is weak...

about 1.9b.

(1) there's no effective visual clue that you intercepted the ball. nothing onthe screen changes.. (cept for a tiny green icon on bottom) so a lot of peopel are just left clicking the ball away thinking they're punting cuz they didnt itnercept the ball.

would be cool to have a sort of an obvious visual clue (red border around screen? different gun colour? i donno) when u have the ball.

(2) the pssst pssst multiple jump sounds. why not have those sounds (if ever) only on second and forth jumps? it'll relieve the general acoustic business of the game. and still keep enough of a clue to figure out at what jump the person is.

(3) the intercept sounds are umm.. not sure. too "thin" i donno if that makes sense. not "hpat" enough.. needs mroe bass maybe.
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Post by Diab »

i dislike how the good sound - sounds like someone strumming a piano. doesnt fit the future feel.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

The tetris sounds were better than the lift-music ones :)
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Post by Messy »

I was always happy with the tetris sounds tbh O_o
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Post by Mayer.hun »

I like tetris sounds... although they are funneh and dunno wadehell r they doin in DB :) But they are cool.

I have to agree with priior about his 1, sugegstion... about the visual effect. Somekind like a red border (like when u get hit in Half Life (or any game with that effect)) would be cool I think.
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Post by Chick-kun »

if you have music playing within ut2003, when a new round starts the music plays twice overlapping itself by a few milliseconds
also make the jump effect client side or server side not both =S
if you lag you end up hearing 2 jump sounds in succession
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Yes, I also notcied that I'm hearing too much jump soudns, and It feels like that U already made your last jump, although u can still jump once more in the air O_o to tell the truth... it is really annoying.
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Post by Jerkoff »

Defender should always get the point for killing enemy inside the pbox, if someone is camping in there either a) the keeper can kill him, or b) he is trying to get a pass or distract the keep. So that is a big flaw in the balance, I don't know if euros play w/ an attacker in the pbox all the time, but that *SHOULD* be a sure-fire way to get killed. Why should you leave him alive?
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Post by DavidM »

nah, often its a bad thing to kill him, one more defender to play against...
we do not support it, but in some cases its a neutral thing
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Post by Onge »

-ball speed after goal shown in km/h (m/s before)
How about an option for mph instead of kph for us non-metric nations! Can't believe that would be hard to do... :p