tennis live on kthx

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tennis live on kthx

Post by beefsack »

looking at the mainpage at the moment made me nostalgic about the great tennis days of yore :ban: and i thought to myself "those were good days, when i used to play tennis. oh well, everything has to die sometime".

a few days ago i played tennis again, and to my utter dumbfoundment (real word?) the game truly is addictive and an incredible crapload of fun :offtopic:

fizz/rens ::Pfffff:: dont let tennis die. its ok if there isnt much added, the game is all there, just the bugs are a bit annoying. dont let tennis be left out of 2.0. im saying this cos i know that no-one will prolly heed the call for a replacement programmer :mad:

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Post by YoYo789 »

/me will attempt it if no other coders will.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

beef, i know fizzy is working super hard on it
im gonna make some static meshes if i have time
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Post by BurntLeaf »

i agree
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Post by DavidM »

"i know fizzy is working super hard on it"
ehm? :D
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Post by Fizzy »

yes ive been working on things, i dont tell you about them much anymore because everything i say to you comes back with some rude comment

you'll see it when its in a good state, the rest of the stuff is on the todo list site..
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Post by Fizzy »

beef i have a huge todo list, ive also found someone who's going to attempt some coding. I have a huge todo list if anyones interested..
I'd say the new official map should be quite suprising when its finished :P
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Post by Messy »

Fizzy wrote: beef i have a huge todo list. I have a huge todo list if anyones interested..
(I'm interested to see it tho)
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Post by Fizzy »

Bot play
Spectator cams and ball screen
3 in a row' option
Ball Launcher
Sound played when its almost your go
Sudden death
Game, set, match announcer sound - stupid epic
Remove static on Tennis Ball Skin
Doubles tourny choose partner
Ball colour
Charge up indicator
Ball Trails
TEN-Stadium needs to be modified
Easy mode
Rally status + messages
Single + doubles NON tourny mode
Doubles tourny mode
Vs Screen + win screen
Ball cracking floor
Tourny mode spawning

heres a copy and paste, if you want a more in depth description of a particular thing let me know
Last edited by Fizzy on 22-01-2004 18:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

Ball cracking floor?
Remove static on tennis ball skin? O_o

Best of all: Easy mode! :D (and tutorial ;p wewt!)
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Post by Fizzy »

if the ball is smahed at a very fast speed it will leave a crack in the floor for a while and a few stones will fly out.

The ball skin is bad, if you go close to it its a jumble of crappy colours.

easy mode isnt fully planned out yet but it will make it very easy to play in exchange for losing some "pro" moves like smash.
Easy mode will perhaps make your volley radius bigger or automatically make you dodge towards the ball and hit it if you are within a certain radius..something like that.

It would change the buttons so that left click automatically hits the ball at the right height to get over the net. Right click would allow you to hit it at the height you aim.
Last edited by Fizzy on 22-01-2004 19:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by beefsack »

\o/ this makes me a happy sack
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Post by Young_One »

New versions of tennis suck. The reason that tennis died is because you changed the game completely. The first version was awesome and everyone played it. Once you changed that it died. change it back to the first beta version kthx
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Post by Fizzy »

tennis isnt played now because its bugged as fuck
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Post by -=LyNx=- »

it was never played anyway, its dead i wouldnt bother trying