It seems a lot of US foreign policy is based on the ill-conceived adage that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend..."
Oh, and [edit] it's nice to see the offtopic forum being used to start some actually interesting debates, rather than the usual 12-year-old spammy crud.
Last edited by -plær- on 25-01-2004 18:19, edited 1 time in total.
Hopefully one day Mr. Howard (Aussie PM) will get his tongue off of Bush's arse and stop supporting the idiot. Then maybe I will be happy to celebrate Australia Day (today) again.
Last edited by YoYo789 on 25-01-2004 19:41, edited 1 time in total.
Which is something I very much doubt el Blair will ever do. The best I can hope for is that he gets thoroughly pwned (first ever use in this context?) by a backbench rebellion over university fees, and then after the release of the Lord Hutton report, resigns. can dream ^_^
Last edited by -plær- on 25-01-2004 18:32, edited 1 time in total.
-plær- wrote:
Which is something I very much doubt el Blair will ever do. The best I can hope for is that he gets thoroughly pwned (first ever use in this context?) by a backbench rebellion over university fees, and then after the release of the Lord Hutton report, resigns. can dream ^_^
Hah, it's quite funny to see the similarities in Britain's and Australia's political situation atm. The Howard government is currently raising university fees, and also putting twice as much money per child into private schools than government schools, then complaining that government schools are not up to scratch. I mean, wtf?
If only Britain was dumping it's refugees on neighbouring island nations it would be a duplicate of Australia.
Funny thing about this, is this is all things that people already knew (well most americans)
Except one part of it....Bush never tried to link saddam with 9/ was all about how he had chem weapons and stuff. So i guess this wonderful little flash video left that out
It's still kind of strange how he totally left the al-qaeda business and started about Saddam's supposible weapons of mass destruction all of a sudden.
Could that have been linked to the fact that not only does he want to prove that he's at least as good as his beloved daddy (and complete what his dad had only half done, for the family you know), but also that there was an active feeling in the younger community for joining the military because of the whole al-qaeda and 9/11 thing, which is quite usefull if you want to start a war?
[GR]Kermit wrote:
quite interessting facts.
dind'nt knwo that the us given sadam green light to indave kuwait....
they didnt..............
this is stupid, like how would general public (that guy who made the flash presentation) have access to messages between the iraqi and us government, like priior said