Noob players! \o/

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Post by DaJero »

I think this is a good thing to keep in mind in the next year. Let's all be more n00b-friendly while we wait for the interactive tutorial. I will make a post on the main page tonight.
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Post by Mayer.hun »

i_am_racing_car wrote: all good points. i agree with all.

but you know what. theres one thing more annoying than n00bz. and thats know-it-alls.

*flame shield up* im ready. hit me. :p

I Agree... but... not exactly so...

"know-it-alls" are not allways bad... Ego "know-it-alls"... maybe u win the match and they get awayrd for best scorer, best assist, Voley whore, and best keeper... but u actually didnt even play... Ego knowitalls are the problems, not simple know it alls...

/me thinks Messy is a "knoiw-it-all" and me likes messy "know-it-all"-ness \o/ :D ;)
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Post by Messy »

I can assure you I didn't give him any money for that...yethonestly:D
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Im aware that helping noobies is the key to leet players, I helped alot of players with the basics tho and I always will
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Re: Re: Noob players! \o/

Post by Fooman »

DiStUrbeD wrote: i agree, i HATE when people say that "Right click to pass!"

so i act like a smartass and say "right click makes me jump wont pass"

If people are smart enough to know how to change alt fire off of right click then they are smart enough to know that alt fire passes. If they obviously don't know how to pass saying "Right click to pass" gets 80% of nubs to pass.
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Post by Messy »

That's kind of what I said :)

Besides, people who change this are obviously influenced by old-skool games, or are at least reasonably experienced enough to find out for theirselves how to pass pretty quickly.
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Post by Xelent »

I dont bother telling noobs right click to pass and such, because half of them wouldnt pass if they knew how to. All everyone plays is vo in NA, and the noobs grow into the game with this superman 1 mean team view. Why pass when you can hit it off the side wall, then off the ceiling and volley a .7 at the net?

God i hate vo, its a cancer i swear. I wouldnt mind helping if any of them listened. :)
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Post by Armagon »

Xelent wrote: God i hate vo, its a cancer i swear.
I couldn't agree more.
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Post by Inphidel »

VO aint all that bad, tho it breeds bad keepers who can only keep well in VO (like me >(o.O)< meow ) while i do see moer stradegy in Reg games, I find more people opt for a shot even when a perfectly good pass volly is availible for a more efficiant goal, tho i can only speak from my experiance on PUB games, i feel there is more selfish style of play in the regular games i've played. I think they both have their demons....
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

VO is only a good thing @ 2on2 and 1on1.
But all the guys who play on 5on5 cube VO are just a kind of stupid.
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Post by Mayer.hun »

IDD... VO is good... but when U get called a noob in a 5v5 because u didnt Volley or sth... well, omg...

But there is another problem...

FairPlay... I think It was Mentioned earlier (earlier Thread back there somewhere) So, Yesterday I was playing on TV1 ( \o/ ) And there were two guys called Tony Blair (had same nick... both...) They were just some two undercover guys... I dunno who they were, and I don't want to know... doesnt Matter.... So we played, they played really good I can say, maybe a bit egoism was in their play but doesnt matter... then everyone left server, and it was 3on3 CUBe... but we kept on playing. So we where playing on that Damn Big Cube... So And once... we had no keep (we played 3 on offence and so did they) and so they got a Contra Attack, but our keep couldnt get back into Penalty Zone... Then one of the Blairs shot the ball up to the wall, the keep was trying to get back into goal... but the guy just simply volleyed it into the empty goal... hmz... Then We were on atatck... and we had the same situation... I got the ball, and I stopped, So the keep could get back into his nest. Then I passed the ball in for my teammate, who didn't score, nice save from keep... then keep shot it out... came down from other ends wall.... volley... emptynet... score... erm... I just said: Thx for Fair play guys :/ The answer was: Thx for Nobb play guys :/ Erm... those UnderCover Asses were no noobs... but their teammate was, and he learned this type of gameplay, by shooting directly onto empty net... and saying: Why? you guys play like lamas.... erm... then I left server... I hate UnFair play, and This one was...
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Post by Messy »

whoa..big chaotic rant ;p
But yeh that's a perfect example of laming :s and laming even after you showed them how to be fair (gj mayer :) honestly)

As for inf saying a volley goal is more efficient, nah..
Stylish? Perhaps. More fun? Possibly. Efficient? Nevar :)

It's easier to score with a shot (since lots of keepers can hardly save them anymore, especially if you fake or summit), and there will be a lower chance of missing overall (since the ball is already yours \o/)
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Post by Xelent »

NA doesnt have to worry about vo on cube, simply because pubs in NA just dont play cube at all. Instead they cram 10 people into smallcube and have a hog fest, a contest to see who can get a shot off in the middle of an 8 man hammer spam.

We even had a clan that only wanted to play volley only matches. (thank god they changed)
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Post by Scotteh »

actually the clan died (if your referring to s2)
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Post by Messy »

lol, weren't they the clan who asked bazzi to remove them?
"We just signed up, we didn't know we actually had to play in the league"

And then they decided to try non-vo, so they told Bazzi to add the members back in etc.

'twas funny :rolleyes: