Search found 9 matches

by z00nz00nz00n
23-06-2004 02:29
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Euro whores
Replies: 59
Views: 23426

Euro whores

<3 deathball
<3 european friends
<3 davidm
by z00nz00nz00n
23-05-2004 03:58
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Tang'd
Replies: 16
Views: 7570


by z00nz00nz00n
23-05-2004 03:57
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: deathball
Replies: 32
Views: 14089

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring BANANA PHONE!
by z00nz00nz00n
21-05-2004 21:58
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: deathball
Replies: 32
Views: 14089

I wrote it myself. I can't believe I got 18 replys out of something so stupid.
by z00nz00nz00n
21-05-2004 03:46
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: deathball
Replies: 32
Views: 14089


|)34']['|=||84|| !5 ']['3|=| |D\/\/|\|']['z(~)|2
3\/3|2`/(~)|\|3 4g|23?:noob:
by z00nz00nz00n
01-04-2004 03:26
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Wtf-pwn
Replies: 29
Views: 15022

what the fuck is trolling?
by z00nz00nz00n
01-04-2004 00:11
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Wtf-pwn
Replies: 29
Views: 15022

Prolly WTF-PWN Well actually I am just a groupie. Well, not really. I have never played deathball, and It has been about 2 months since I uninstalled UT2k3. WTF-PWN is one of my good friends (real life). I posted this to embarass him/see everyone's reactions. For the record, I had fun doing this.
by z00nz00nz00n
31-03-2004 15:41
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Wtf-pwn
Replies: 29
Views: 15022

Insane, you are a noob. If i rem3mb3r, you w3r3 in teh s3rv3r wheh WTF-PWN was owning your noob ass. And by killing i mean owning everyone in deathball. As it stands still, WTF-PWN is teh
by z00nz00nz00n
31-03-2004 02:50
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Wtf-pwn
Replies: 29
Views: 15022


I was playing in a 2k3 server and this guy named WTF-PWN was killing everyone. He has to be the best deathball player I have ever seen. He is teh