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by The Hermit
07-05-2003 19:57
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

There are two ways of getting back up the the center spot, the stairs or the jump-pads. Here's a bot using the jump-pad.
by The Hermit
07-05-2003 19:55
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

Nice pice of indestuctable glass seperates the two goals.
Unfortunately give the volley-whores something to bounce the ball off. :( :mad:
by The Hermit
07-05-2003 19:45
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Would you be willing to try an alternate shot-charge algoryt
Replies: 21
Views: 12170

I actually used to think it WAS like that... :eek:
Now I often think that must be why all 'noobs' MUST get a full power shot (they think it's like that?) :rolleyes:
by The Hermit
07-05-2003 19:38
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: deathball 1.8
Replies: 34
Views: 19043

What would cause a corner? :confused:
On most maps there is a bloody great big wall behind the goal line so you couldn't use football rules for them. :p

Same sort of thing with penalties.
In football, if your fouled in the penalty area, you get a penalty shot, in Deathball you DIE!!!!! :cool:
by The Hermit
07-05-2003 19:34
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Boost Indicator
Replies: 38
Views: 32319

That's why I use them, left-handed that is. Have other usefull things on Delete, End & PageDown along with RightShift for Sprint and probably RightCtrl for Boost Me, although I rarely want boosting as I'm either in goal or defence most of the time, depending on how poor the attack is. ;)
by The Hermit
07-05-2003 06:47
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

That's how it is at the mo'. Will post a screenshot later.
by The Hermit
06-05-2003 17:31
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Why are people so quick to scream "N00b!"
Replies: 24
Views: 22702

One thing that really made me laugh this weekend was when someone called me a 'N' on my own map on my own server, just 'cause they kept leaving the net wide open... :rolleyes:
by The Hermit
06-05-2003 17:25
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Any future plans to support assault paths?
Replies: 12
Views: 7390

Definately looking good.

I think the bots will tend to congregate around the center due to it being in a 'valley'. may be better to leave a gap between the rounded boulder and the rest or perhaps make a tunnel through them...
by The Hermit
06-05-2003 06:28
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

Well there is a B2B2 in the making, but it has a MUCH larger playfield than the first one...
by The Hermit
05-05-2003 14:56
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

Yeah found it... DOH!!!! :confused:
by The Hermit
05-05-2003 13:18
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

Good set of maps.

Registered at Ozforums but I can't post or anything. Have I missed something?

[edit] Doh! Just read the bit about awaiting activation, or is that just a standard message? [/edit]
by The Hermit
05-05-2003 12:31
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

Fair enough. I'll get that pack aswell tomorrow then.

What other maps are in it?
by The Hermit
05-05-2003 11:13
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

I noticed that DB-JE-Back2Back was on it! :D

Which version of DB-JE-TheBook you including, the normal one where you can send the ball around the table as well as the book or the LE version where the ball is confined to the actual book?
by The Hermit
05-05-2003 10:45
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Old men gamers....
Replies: 20
Views: 17956

I get about 1 hour a night to either play or edit maps while the misses is watching her soaps. That's one reason I like Mondays, I get 2 hours then! :D
by The Hermit
05-05-2003 10:42
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Custom Map Servers
Replies: 35
Views: 25736

Yeah just played smallcube on Ozforces ( with a ping of 346, and they put me in goal!!! :eek:

We won though... ;)

Just played one server with a ping of 700-800! Don't know where it was but you could run from goal out of the Pbox before it knew... :confused: