Search found 17 matches

by =/FUC/=Timfried
24-05-2003 15:26
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Team Paranoid Recriuting!
Replies: 2
Views: 3598

or join us :P

ps: huhu gobi, hoffe du hast nix dagegen wenn ich deinen thread mißbrauche... :D
by =/FUC/=Timfried
24-05-2003 15:25
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Khushdi (fs|Khushdi|pX) needs clan too..
Replies: 9
Views: 6904

Come to Div3 :D
Join FUC *lol* chan: #muhtrix ^^
by =/FUC/=Timfried
23-05-2003 08:44
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: RaGe (fs|RaGe|pX) need clan..
Replies: 4
Views: 4628

#muhtrix in Quakenet or ICQ 13773619.....
well, we're not as good as fs|px but sometimes we play good :D
by =/FUC/=Timfried
20-05-2003 12:21
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: FJ looking for Players...look inside :-)
Replies: 4
Views: 4491

och schade ;)
by =/FUC/=Timfried
18-05-2003 11:04
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: FJ looking for Players...look inside :-)
Replies: 4
Views: 4491

darf ich deinen Thread nu auch damit zuspammen dass =/FUC/= auch noch Spieler suchen? :D
by =/FUC/=Timfried
15-05-2003 08:18
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Panda seeks clan
Replies: 20
Views: 16698

we're searching new members....
so, if you want to join the muhtrix (and if you don't find that we're lame:rolleyes: ) come to chan #muhtrix in quakenet or contact me via icq #137773619
by =/FUC/=Timfried
15-05-2003 08:14
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: average attacker looking for clan
Replies: 8
Views: 10684

moo!, if you're from Europe come to #muhtrix in Quakenet or contact me via ICQ #137773619
by =/FUC/=Timfried
09-05-2003 21:25
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Back in the Fray, Defensive Player Looking for a Clan...
Replies: 4
Views: 4998

ehm..silly question, but : what means "AZ" as your location?

if it's somethin european, contact me via icq #137773619 or in quakenetchan #muhtrix
by =/FUC/=Timfried
07-05-2003 19:44
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: I need a clan
Replies: 4
Views: 4405

we need players......but plz say first from where you are
by =/FUC/=Timfried
19-04-2003 10:47
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: still searching.....
Replies: 2
Views: 3698

hm.....don't think that i'm interested in a clan-fusion or in sharing players...sharing players would be difficult to organize...
by =/FUC/=Timfried
17-04-2003 23:02
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: still searching.....
Replies: 2
Views: 3698

still searching.....

Hi! The Fighting Unreal Cows are still searching for some members.....we're only 6 active Players at the moment, so that if 2 guys don't have time we aren't able to play.....difficult to manage this... So, we need a Keeper and if possible some guy for our offence.... If you want to join a clan, and ...
by =/FUC/=Timfried
31-03-2003 22:14
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: German speaking player needed!
Replies: 0
Views: 6502

German speaking player needed!

Moin, wir suchen noch nen Keeper oder Defence/Mid Spieler. Momentan hängen wir ganz unten in der DBL 3rd Division rum (naja, nach 2 Spielen), aber ich denke mal das sollte sich noch ändern ;)
Najo, hab leider keine Zeit was übern Clan zu schreiben, fragt mich halt einfach ;)
by =/FUC/=Timfried
25-03-2003 18:00
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wahl des deutschen Trainers
Replies: 121
Views: 105516

Bazzi & Eryx- cY.Red - KeX
by =/FUC/=Timfried
24-03-2003 21:54
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deutscher Nationaltrainer?
Replies: 91
Views: 75916

hm...dumme Frage: aber hat Österreich ein eigenes Team oder sind da zu wenige....ansonsten kann ich ein paar gute Ösis einschmuggeln ;)
by =/FUC/=Timfried
23-03-2003 19:16
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deutscher Nationaltrainer?
Replies: 91
Views: 75916

ich melde mich freiwillig als Cheerleader!!!