Search found 79 matches

22-06-2004 05:20
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Scott
Replies: 25
Views: 12629

Whoah, what happened to the happy go lucky DB community we used to have?

Larry is good people, even if he is Canadian.
12-06-2004 03:51
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: DeathBall high-res icon (png)
Replies: 31
Views: 16241

Besides Ass-Ugly?
06-02-2004 21:22
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

Interesting question. Is it possible to make the decal texture dependent? So it'll leave a mark on a wall, but not on a fence?
06-02-2004 16:43
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

Yah, would be great to see the wall around the goal peppered with marks. They should only be temporary too, if they were permanent it would definitely start to bog things down. Especially on Twigs server with all the VO.
06-02-2004 03:16
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

I disagree. It will get a wow factor at first and then fade into the background, yes. But if you took it away after having it for awhile, I guarantee people would miss it.

It shouldn't be that hard to pull off should it? I mean the decal system is already there.
05-02-2004 18:35
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

Ya, it is more about aesthetics then gameplay. It's just a nice touch, like the postal sound. As for the FPS, I don't see that being a problem, just turn them off if you take a performance hit.
05-02-2004 16:21
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

You disagree F1end?
05-02-2004 01:43
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

04-02-2004 21:33
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

Beats me how they catch it, I just think it'll look cool. I try not to think too much. =P As for FPS issues, it shouldn't be that big a deal should it? I get nice framerates in Deathmatches with decals everywhere, DB shouldn't be any different. And you can disable decals in the options anyway can't ...
04-02-2004 18:11
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

Ok, were digressing little. The point is, do other people think it would be cool too see the ball leave some kind of mark in the arena. I think it woul be great to have things get scuffed up.
03-02-2004 19:30
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

I think the ball is a freaking dense piece of metal. Listen to the sound when it hits a post. Doesn't need to be cracks or scorches anyway, just some kind of mark.
03-02-2004 15:51
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: BuD recruiting in NA
Replies: 19
Views: 20749

I'm interested Imaginos, depending on the scheduling. I'm a pretty good defensive minded winger.
03-02-2004 15:46
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Wall Decals?
Replies: 30
Views: 15455

Wall Decals?

So I was playing last night, and I got to thinking. It would be pretty cool if the ball left marks on the wall and floor. Not all the time, but maybe when it hits above a certain speed it would leave a mark. Maybe a scorch mark, or a cracked texture, paint smear etc. It shouldn't be hard on frame ...
22-01-2004 22:58
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: new goal idea?
Replies: 9
Views: 7982

Cool, kinda like a goal on a foosball table. I like it. Anybody want to knock out a foosball map?
17-12-2003 04:12
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: the New keeping style (on the pboxline)
Replies: 69
Views: 31402

Razer Boomslang is the shiznit.