Search found 128 matches

by Cyph
16-11-2006 19:56
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Ex-DEUS members
Replies: 62
Views: 96856

zomgs. Alright chaps? I've still got UT2003 somewhere...
by Cyph
28-09-2003 18:09
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: The next move to be removed =)
Replies: 44
Views: 22345

It's not luck dependent at all. If someone gets hit from behind, they know when the next hit is coming and can easily drop the ball just then. It's a question of skill and really shouldn't be removed.
by Cyph
28-08-2003 16:17
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: End of clan ZBN
Replies: 31
Views: 23423

by Cyph
26-08-2003 04:07
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Why is 18+ in Div 2?
Replies: 7
Views: 7211

roses are red
violets are blue
I'm schizophrenic
and so am I.
by Cyph
23-08-2003 21:42
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The best game u ever played...
Replies: 50
Views: 35290

9-9 vs POW on Tribun in our last qualifying match was pretty fucking tense.
by Cyph
21-08-2003 14:03
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Keeper, Keep... why is there no keeper?
Replies: 16
Views: 9757

You're right.
by Cyph
21-08-2003 11:19
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Keeper, Keep... why is there no keeper?
Replies: 16
Views: 9757

The first point has been raised before and I assume something's being done about it. The second one was argued to be this way by the keepers so that if they do jump out there's a small delay before someone new becomes keeper. Otherwise the new keeper has to run all the way out of the box so the real ...
by Cyph
16-08-2003 22:27
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Quitting DeathBall
Replies: 19
Views: 14845

GazMaN wrote: well i still love it,

bye anyway


Amen, brother.
by Cyph
07-08-2003 23:19
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 3 Min DB video (divX5.0.5)
Replies: 44
Views: 24903

It's a pretty cool video for a first time. Maybe you'd want to do something like the Rush guys did for their team photo, too, get a 5on5 going and get all the players to line up before starting the game.
by Cyph
07-08-2003 17:10
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: UT2004 -- Onslaught/Deathball
Replies: 42
Views: 19693

Fallen wrote: define them please, i would love to read and laugh at the difference

It's true, man, playing something with friends can be fun, but on your own it can suck. Try getting drunk on your own.
by Cyph
06-08-2003 16:33
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Congratulations to DB
Replies: 31
Views: 14987

Possibly, but if they've got any sense then they'll look at the merits of the game, the community (in which case we've lost... bigtime), the originality, thought and support that's put into it.
by Cyph
06-08-2003 15:24
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Congratulations to DB
Replies: 31
Views: 14987

Deathball's one of the most original games ever to appear. If it doesn't win there's something wrong with the industry.
by Cyph
02-08-2003 03:16
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Good Defender Searching A Clan
Replies: 26
Views: 18725

[1234]Jr wrote: We definatly need a DB "Hall of Fame(or shame)" forum, where all these classic topics go and are locked, so generations to come can laugh at

"Wales, England" :D
I claim to have discovered the said deception. :)
by Cyph
28-07-2003 17:15
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: [1234] Servers - Updated IPs
Replies: 22
Views: 12291

aaaah, back in December, the 1234 server late at night, home to all the greats....
by Cyph
28-07-2003 14:27
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Good Defender Searching A Clan
Replies: 26
Views: 18725
