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by Z_Man
17-03-2003 22:46
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: suggestion to enhance teamwork
Replies: 31
Views: 32133

I agree that weaker self volleys would be good, but the worst thing to do would be to make it an would just compicate things even more than they are now.
by Z_Man
13-03-2003 07:26
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Epic boner pack released ...
Replies: 18
Views: 20659

Great maps, plus the Invasion gametype is great :)

Oh yeah not to mention the new announcer sounds, now I don't have to listen to tony the tiger...
by Z_Man
13-03-2003 07:25
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: No sprint bug?!!!?!?!??
Replies: 10
Views: 14515

I've gotten the sprint bug a couple times, never gotten it with the charge bug though, always separate.
by Z_Man
11-03-2003 07:28
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: sprinting is teh suxxor
Replies: 84
Views: 115468

You people talk about the 6 sec sprint being realistic...since when is DB a realism mod?!? For good gameplay [/i] it should be 2-3 seconds. If sprint stays similar to the way it is now in the next version I guess I'll just stick to the no sprint servers. A pity since a well-tuned sprint would make ...
by Z_Man
10-03-2003 22:23
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: sprinting is teh suxxor
Replies: 84
Views: 115468

Those are some pretty good improvemnts to sprint but...can't the bar go down faster? 6 seconds (or whatever it is) is way too long...
by Z_Man
10-03-2003 00:45
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: sprinting is teh suxxor
Replies: 84
Views: 115468

Even though I think sprinting sucks as it is, with enough tweaking it could really add a lot to the game. It shouldn't last more than 2 seconds, and it should recharge fairly quickly if your standing still (2 seconds?). If your moving, it should recharge pretty slow (10 seconds?). I'm really not ...
by Z_Man
09-03-2003 21:40
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: sprinting is teh suxxor
Replies: 84
Views: 115468

If everyone who hated sprinting stopped playing DB, we'd be left with mostly n00bs.
by Z_Man
09-03-2003 07:15
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: sprinting is teh suxxor
Replies: 84
Views: 115468

Yes, sprint will definately be better with those changes, but IMO it should be the same for both sides. Otherwise it just complicates things. Same with volleys, it should really be the same radius whether its offensive of defensive.
by Z_Man
09-03-2003 01:33
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: sprinting is teh suxxor
Replies: 84
Views: 115468

sprinting is horrible..