Search found 8 matches

by goelanroti
19-12-2010 15:39
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 78
Replies: 16
Views: 51643

Re: Level 78

The RightLeg function is defined with a "L" in capital letter, nevertheless, the command is written with a "l" in small letters : in theory, because programming is case-sensitive, the Rightleg command should not work ... It's a little mistake, but in the way to create a perfect riddle, David should ...
by goelanroti
06-11-2010 16:53
Forum: Notpron
Topic: friedrich II vs voltaire - riddle
Replies: 17
Views: 29623

Re: friedrich II vs voltaire - riddle

Héhé, bien joué, ça fait plaisir de voir un peu de français parmi tout cet amas d'anglais ! haha :D

(Good game ! You have the answer !)
by goelanroti
29-10-2010 22:17
Forum: Notpron
Topic: friedrich II vs voltaire - riddle
Replies: 17
Views: 29623

Re: friedrich II vs voltaire - riddle

Another one : (made by myself, might be a quite hard for non-French speakers, but it's the same kind of riddle than previously, so I think that everybody can make a try, and suggest an answer ...?) pire..........................100 mettent....._______ veau.......................sous(x2 ...
by goelanroti
13-09-2008 13:38
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Mysterious keyboard!!!
Replies: 158
Views: 214760

French keyboard
Normally :


But with the both shift at the same time :


The letters t,y,w,x,c and v are missing !:lol:
It's funny !
by goelanroti
09-06-2008 15:05
Forum: Notpron
Topic: friedrich II vs voltaire - riddle
Replies: 17
Views: 29623

... I didn't know this castel.
But I found all the same the good answer ... héhé
by goelanroti
08-06-2008 16:48
Forum: Notpron
Topic: friedrich II vs voltaire - riddle
Replies: 17
Views: 29623

Venez souper à sans souci
But it's not "french" (I know because I'm french) the correct sentence should be : "venez souper sans souci".
by goelanroti
07-06-2008 22:29
Forum: Notpron
Topic: friedrich II vs voltaire - riddle
Replies: 17
Views: 29623

venez souper à 100 sous 6.
But "100 sous 6" means nothing ...
by goelanroti
27-05-2008 21:28
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Hall of Shame (don't cheat, or you'll be in there)
Replies: 90
Views: 231519

At Davidm : Can you send me the certificate, because I have the answer : gofindurselfsecretturbentineiloveyouriddlesendnorpton.htm
and you rock !