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by idankutas
24-11-2009 05:43
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 72
Replies: 139
Views: 370501

Re: Level 72

hi, long time since I wrote here,
so, i've printed, cut,folded, glued,taped and everything, got something (which I don't know the name of), i'm pretty stuck there.
Had some ideas with the numbers which didn't work much
by idankutas
05-02-2008 16:22
Forum: Notpron
Topic: poll
Replies: 54
Views: 77981

I know it's a bit odd to reply to a post so old but I wanted to tell my story here.. First of all I never used or looked for any spoilers. I did come to the forums or asked for help from someone, but I didn't ask for spoilers or answers or anything like that. That will ruin the fun of the game. I'm ...