Search found 5 matches

by a devout uncyclopedian
14-11-2006 22:39
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282089

a mouse squeeks. new sneakers squeek as well. sneakers are typical running shoes. a well known running shoes' brand is Puma. a puma is a large cat. cats love mice. mice love cheese. cheese doesn't have nerves capable of receiving 'information' about their environment, and thus cannot love anything ...
by a devout uncyclopedian
10-11-2006 23:14
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282089

spiderwebs are sticky cuz there are little gnomes all around the world who, at daybreak, scuffle through the grass and brush dew on it, brush glue on the spiderwebs, and I also suspect them of moving our garden gnomes all over the place. They also steal my mini tea set and have a cup of tea under ...
by a devout uncyclopedian
20-10-2006 07:53
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282089

Whoa! You're going a bit fast saying there is no life at all! To find the Meaning of Life, you have to define life itself. Then, when you have found an answer, you have to figure out what the exact opposite is. Only then will you know what reasons you have to live for, and thus what life means to ...
by a devout uncyclopedian
19-10-2006 21:40
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282089

Hmmm... why are manhole covers round... To answer this, I went to the The Great Library of Infinite, Useless, Boring and Annoying Information which btw. has COMPLETE LACK OF HUMOUR (Wikipedia for short), and I found the answer: By reading this article, I ...
by a devout uncyclopedian
19-10-2006 20:45
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Wikipedia
Replies: 43
Views: 63993

Shame on thy un-unbelievers!!!!!!!!!!

How dareth you turn to the evil Wikipedians!! No matter what your argument is, it's like selling your soul to Lucifer!! No reward is worth it!!

Let The Truth be revealed to all!!