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29-03-2004 05:11
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Anyone for a passing spree?
Replies: 12
Views: 5249

ass assing assing assing assing assing assingassing assing assing assing assingassing assing assing assing assingassing assing assing assing assing SPREE SPREE ASSING ASSING SPREE ASSING passing spree, assing assing assing

28-03-2004 12:10
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: DB-SunCastBeta
Replies: 13
Views: 11858

:) nice map but i do miss the back wall as a rebound, maybe take the net off and leave the cross bar? meh, up to you but other wise its a rip of small hole :) which i think david m released in 2.0 beta....

anyway, nice job
28-03-2004 09:41
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: UT2k4 2.0 Beta Bug Thread
Replies: 27
Views: 13301

Dude, if u could read the above error is cause you have to move all your DB files to X:\Ut2004\deathball\*FOLDERNAME* MOVE ALL MAPS INI INT FILES as david M has listed above. After that delete the DB.ini file and then run the Deathball.CMD to load deathball. AND YES THIS IS A VERY VERY BETA , it has...
28-03-2004 09:36
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: quick question
Replies: 14
Views: 11302

quick question

what is the actual size of the goal? in Ut size?
27-03-2004 22:15
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball on UT2k4
Replies: 12
Views: 5363

Does it have to be so sloppy, so all files in the deathball directory none in the normal Ut2004/system/ dir? when i tried joining a server it tried to download the map although the map was in ut2004/deathball/maps/
so should i move the maps to the ut2004/maps dir?
27-03-2004 02:25
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball on UT2k4
Replies: 12
Views: 5363

I noticed whenever i try to join any game now i can't just join the game, i have to spectate then hit join when ive entered as a spec, I am positive this is due to DB, because i never had this problem before.
Guess its time to delete DB
25-03-2004 04:26
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: install/play it on 2004?
Replies: 54
Views: 24129

2k4 duh

Umm talking bout 2k4 duh,

24-03-2004 20:49
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: help with water
Replies: 4
Views: 4176

I was looking around and noticed dendrophlia has a stream going through it howerver its 1)slow and 2) pretty bad looking........ Im still stuck on how to make a nice looking rapid's and somehow get it to be seen through a glass window, anyone? guess ill try asking the atari boards next.
24-03-2004 20:48
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: install/play it on 2004?
Replies: 54
Views: 24129

I suggest a different HUD ingame, the 1.9b stuff is kinda unprofessional, The text used for numbers is fugly (fucking ugly). And there seems to be little white dots and shit around the border. The border is a bit think i think as well. Just be blunt with it get the hud to display what you need it to...
24-03-2004 20:42
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: To Do?
Replies: 12
Views: 5804

Besides the above :), i just played 1.9b and noticed the bots like to pass to other bots while facing the other direction, its not a big issue but for looks and gameplay i would think you would want to adjust that.. I mean no look passes are cool and all, but it makes their passing a bit insane
24-03-2004 06:25
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: install/play it on 2004?
Replies: 54
Views: 24129

yar i am still waiting

Still waiting, for DB 2k4 pwnage... WOuld be nice :)............................ anyways... yah, so whose up for a game of WHEN IS THE BETA GONNA BE OUT????????
I say 2 weeks.
24-03-2004 04:31
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: install/play it on 2004?
Replies: 54
Views: 24129

umm, yah, still waiting for DB beta for 2k4 :-)

today eh? or later ? hmmm
i would say later, much later...
24-03-2004 01:20
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: help with water
Replies: 4
Views: 4176


How do i make a texture continue to pan in game?
And why can't i get emitters to be seen through glass?
Still can't get any sort of nice Rapid look or even stream look into the damn map...

any ideas?
22-03-2004 21:46
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: help with water
Replies: 4
Views: 4176

help with water

I have been trying to make a running stream, I can not get it too look like a runnin stream 1, i have just been doing textures, i tried adding fluid surface as well but doesn't seem to work either. Then i tried making a stream using emitters, i made a nice looking one ,but i can't see it through the...
15-03-2004 03:49
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: To Do?
Replies: 12
Views: 5804


I think you need to fix the killing bug that twig mentions all the time.. -death bug -sounds need changing... (haven't played 1.9b but..... i hope they are changed) -ummmmmmmmmmm ill add more later EDIT: FIX THE DAMN MEDIA PLAYER so we can play OOG files in DB, the DB.exe seems not to allow the f10 ...