Search found 3 matches

by -NS-Dirt
26-07-2003 06:33
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 391933

Surge, Clan's don't change people, 1 man's opinion is his opinion, not a clan's at a whole. Although Insane showed childish grammer, it doesn't represent his clan.
by -NS-Dirt
26-07-2003 05:51
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 391933

Holy shit Chevy get some vocabulary you freakin dumbass, and yes you are the worst deathball player ever. Freakin noob get out now.
by -NS-Dirt
26-07-2003 05:08
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 391933

Why even bother posting something like this. I can agree with both sides on this one. V3 has their bad members, and their good. You must remember that what one member's says doesn't speak for the whole clan. It's a game where people can have fun, and if V3 has fun a different way that's fine. I agre...