Search found 88 matches

by canash
16-11-2006 00:45
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Ex-DEUS members
Replies: 62
Views: 96834

:o almost forget this! I will get the game asap :P
and fro, go MSN ;O
by canash
24-09-2006 20:38
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Ex-DEUS members
Replies: 62
Views: 96834

just showed spawn the topic :P
by canash
21-09-2006 21:19
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Ex-DEUS members
Replies: 62
Views: 96834

i would like to get a beer too :o
Hows life lads?
University is bloody hard :&
by canash
11-08-2006 16:44
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Show your (ugly) mug thread..
Replies: 522
Views: 657784

Klex as we know him :D drunk bastard :D
by canash
07-08-2006 10:26
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Show your (ugly) mug thread..
Replies: 522
Views: 657784

Okay, maybe i should get ut2004 again then :)
by canash
07-08-2006 01:27
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Who is Who?!
Replies: 21
Views: 19141

:| what the hell is that?! been away for a year and now everyone is a drag :|
by canash
07-08-2006 01:13
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Show your (ugly) mug thread..
Replies: 522
Views: 657784

Oh my... lots of new faces around here :P
how is DB now btw?
by canash
02-09-2005 21:33
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 1000th post wins V 2.0
Replies: 1008
Views: 435317

close this thread?
by canash
08-08-2005 12:37
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What music...
Replies: 74
Views: 41978

Kim Larsen - Om Lidt Er Det Forbi Translatede "It is soon over" or something like that... Guns n'roses - Knocking on Heavens Door Eric Clapton - Tears In heaven Inside The Whale - Hvor er tiden der tager os? Translated: "Where is the time that take us" Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun For the fun Queen ...
by canash
28-04-2005 21:52
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How attentive are your parents of what games you play?
Replies: 21
Views: 17005

I played Wolfenstein at the age of 6. Well my parents weren't that happy bout that but they never said “no!! You cannot play this game, it is too violent!”
Now I’m not playing very much because I have to get some good grades for my last exams :P
by canash
07-02-2005 17:13
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Superbowl XXXIX
Replies: 47
Views: 28355

haha knew NE would win it \o/ and i tipped 24:21 for them :P (k)lots of money to me!
by canash
20-01-2005 16:24
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Where did you get your name?
Replies: 113
Views: 63182

i just saw half of the top pic, and i pressed backspace as fast as i could... thank you for giving me nightmares!
by canash
19-01-2005 19:45
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Elephants, YEAH!
Replies: 8
Views: 6816

jesus :|
by canash
18-01-2005 19:15
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: -22:57:07- (@DavidM) guys, open a thread where all tell thei
Replies: 160
Views: 82842

19 and still 183 :D 73kg now... BMI on 21.798 (normal weight)
by canash
15-01-2005 14:11
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: New Bananaphone (no badger thing)
Replies: 6
Views: 5221

well i have never seen it before... so thats why i posted it here.
Thought it was "new" but i have guessed wrong again :P