Search found 422 matches

by YoYo789
09-09-2004 03:07
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Commentary Add-On
Replies: 27
Views: 14960

in before demo :) _b
by YoYo789
11-08-2004 12:40
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Tennis in db2.1?
Replies: 16
Views: 9518

Re: Re: Tennis in db2.1?

by YoYo789
11-08-2004 10:22
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Tennis in db2.1?
Replies: 16
Views: 9518

Tennis in db2.1?

What are the chances of tennis making a reappearance in db2.1

I have an acquaintance who has modified the tennis 1.9 code to be compatible with db2.0/2.1beta, so I know it's technically possible.

Is there something else stopping this great spin-off making it's triumphant return?
by YoYo789
03-03-2004 06:27
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Makez db for ut2004 u T*ard :d
Replies: 62
Views: 30758

nobody I know has voice comm on

different for clan matches maybe, but annoying little shits on pubs make it useless.
by YoYo789
28-02-2004 05:10
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: New maps
Replies: 19
Views: 17364

by YoYo789
03-02-2004 01:41
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: What would you like to see in tennis?
Replies: 23
Views: 11454

Well it sure is broken. I love tennis. Tennis is god. But please fix the massive amounts of bugs before adding new features. I'm quite happy with the features as they are, its just too buggy to play. On our server, the game is ruined if someone joins mid-game. This means it is almost impossible to ...
by YoYo789
27-01-2004 13:54
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: OMG Deathball in true 3D???
Replies: 17
Views: 10213

"Imagine playing DeathBall/ in full 3D, with a 7.1 speaker 3D sound setup, talk about immersion." actually I do :P i have 7.1 (leet) and 3d glasses (not leet) its showing 2 cross hairs, 2 radars etc when you are looking at something farer away, useless that way :) the 3d stuff always used to be ...
by YoYo789
27-01-2004 10:45
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: xfire (beta)
Replies: 40
Views: 19089

booo it doesn't work for me :(

I will be yoyo789 once i get the damn thing to load.
by YoYo789
27-01-2004 09:22
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: OMG Deathball in true 3D???
Replies: 17
Views: 10213

OMG Deathball in true 3D???

In today's newsapper, there is an article on the launch of Leadtek's "x-Eye", glasses with a monitor for each eye capable of displaying 800x600 pixels. This provides the opportunity for wearers to experience true 3D (real depth perception rather than simulated depth perception). And it's all powered ...
by YoYo789
25-01-2004 19:44
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: I enjoyed watching it..
Replies: 15
Views: 8416

Which is something I very much doubt el Blair will ever do. The best I can hope for is that he gets thoroughly pwned (first ever use in this context?) by a backbench rebellion over university fees, and then after the release of the Lord Hutton report, resigns. can dream ^_^ Hah, it's ...
by YoYo789
25-01-2004 18:21
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: I enjoyed watching it..
Replies: 15
Views: 8416

Ha... the wonders of the U.S. of A.

Hopefully one day Mr. Howard (Aussie PM) will get his tongue off of Bush's arse and stop supporting the idiot. Then maybe I will be happy to celebrate Australia Day (today) again.
by YoYo789
23-01-2004 03:52
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Penguin Bashing
Replies: 43
Views: 19360

Catalyst88 wrote: Rens' isn't photoshopped, it's just a different version :)

That version doesn't have a flag at 500.
by YoYo789
22-01-2004 13:10
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: tennis live on kthx
Replies: 18
Views: 11432

/me will attempt it if no other coders will.
by YoYo789
21-01-2004 09:56
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: gg epic
Replies: 54
Views: 23456

perhaps rewrite it:

Epic bring us quality engines,
Modders bring us quality games.
by YoYo789
16-01-2004 10:28
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Petition to bring back OLD tribun
Replies: 73
Views: 34761

Yeah and then we can ban any other map that isn't cube. What fun. If you think a map is shit, 9 out of 10 times it simply means you're shit at it. Fact. I thought SlamBall was shit until I learnt how to score. I thought Chill was shit until I learnt how to win on it. I thought Curve was shit until I ...