Thanks, that got me in the right direction. Obviously I haven't played DB in a while. I had an older version installed and some the DB files were in the UT2k4\system folder. These files were dated back to May/June.... so... I deleted those and updated to 2.2 and everything is back up and running ...
I'm just trying to get this thing to run... Here is an excerpt from the deathball.log Init: Character set: Unicode Init: Base directory: E:\Games\UT2004\System\ Init: Ini:..\deathball\System\deathball.ini UserIni:..\deathball\System\deathballUser.ini Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Patch ...
I can't say that I have never typed in a comment that might offend a player (noob or not), I think most of us are guilty of that to some degree. In the past, I have joined servers under another name only to be the receptiant of all kinds of comments that probably would not have been directed at me ...