Search found 7 matches

by gm0ney
10-09-2004 07:18
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Help - Anyone? 2.1x doesn't run!
Replies: 6
Views: 4230

Hey! InSane... whazzup?

I'll come by for a visit soon.
May even catch ya on the pitch soon....

InSaNe` wrote: ...gm0?

Haha! It's nice to see ya buddy, visit the NS channel we'll be waiting to rape you-errr talk to you again!
by gm0ney
10-09-2004 04:49
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Help - Anyone? 2.1x doesn't run!
Replies: 6
Views: 4230

Replied back at ya.... thanks!
Imaginos wrote: replied.
by gm0ney
10-09-2004 04:48
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 2.1f release
Replies: 64
Views: 31176

Thanks, that got me in the right direction. Obviously I haven't played DB in a while. I had an older version installed and some the DB files were in the UT2k4\system folder. These files were dated back to May/June.... so... I deleted those and updated to 2.2 and everything is back up and running ...
by gm0ney
09-09-2004 04:10
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Help - Anyone? 2.1x doesn't run!
Replies: 6
Views: 4230

Help - Anyone? 2.1x doesn't run!

Check my post here.... ... post176947

Not complaining, just hoping someone has an answer for this..

Hate to see this happen once its out there for the masses....

by gm0ney
08-09-2004 03:47
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 2.1f release
Replies: 64
Views: 31176

Just trying to get it to run.....

I'm just trying to get this thing to run... Here is an excerpt from the deathball.log Init: Character set: Unicode Init: Base directory: E:\Games\UT2004\System\ Init: Ini:..\deathball\System\deathball.ini UserIni:..\deathball\System\deathballUser.ini Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Patch ...
by gm0ney
09-05-2003 23:57
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: n00bs spoiling the game?? ... or big named claned members?
Replies: 79
Views: 61611

I can't say that I have never typed in a comment that might offend a player (noob or not), I think most of us are guilty of that to some degree. In the past, I have joined servers under another name only to be the receptiant of all kinds of comments that probably would not have been directed at me ...
by gm0ney
04-04-2003 23:53
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: American Premier League
Replies: 26
Views: 25912

Ditto! :)