Search found 72 matches

by Killing_U
05-04-2003 21:46
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: jerks
Replies: 45
Views: 47013

is jerks really the worst name u could make up for us?
try motherfucker or cocksucker
jerks makes u look like u like the same sex as ur own
by Killing_U
05-04-2003 06:18
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My greatest deathball achievement
Replies: 25
Views: 26720

lmao dont u feel special
well my greatest achievement is 'ball carried for 0.00 sec'
by Killing_U
05-04-2003 06:09
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Hammer Power VS. Physics
Replies: 24
Views: 20903

how do you mean?
by Killing_U
05-04-2003 06:07
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Creating a National Team
Replies: 45
Views: 39637

aww no polish team??? c'mon u fuckin poles play db
DavidM how many polish players in DB? 2? 3?
by Killing_U
05-04-2003 05:54
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: so called pro's
Replies: 20
Views: 21891

i admit to cursing off noobs all the time :devil: when i say u suck that is my tactic to urge u to prove me wrong i want u to show me after a week of playing that u can kick my arse this might not be the bst way but its how my father taught me and its always worked stop bitching to us that we make f...
by Killing_U
04-04-2003 22:56
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: jerks
Replies: 45
Views: 47013

personally i usually make fun of n00bs when were playing in an important game but if im just fuckin around then i will help u :) im pretty sure DavidM made TrainingCourt for a reason] stop bitching and whining that ppl make fun of u its just a part of life assign certain buttons to write long messag...
by Killing_U
03-04-2003 22:19
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Cheerleaders?
Replies: 15
Views: 16630

looks good to me :) if you find more like that plz post em here
i will have a chat w DavidM and we just might arrange somethin!:)
gj hermit
by Killing_U
02-04-2003 01:17
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Cheerleaders?
Replies: 15
Views: 16630

I foundmore inspiration check these out 2000/cheerleader.jpg cheerleader.jpg
rev if u could animate somethin similar, that would make every DB players' day
by Killing_U
01-04-2003 21:56
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Cheerleaders?
Replies: 15
Views: 16630

lmao rev it would work but its not really sexy try looking at surge's sig for inspiration
gj tho
by Killing_U
01-04-2003 21:32
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Cheerleaders?
Replies: 15
Views: 16630

as surge said its quite the easy job but im way too lazy to do it
sry about big sig and lesbian cheerleaders would defenitely be great
by Killing_U
01-04-2003 05:37
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Cheerleaders?
Replies: 15
Views: 16630

epic could have done a bit better w/ that crowd they should put a topless chick like at spring break or woodstock or my bedroom :)
cheerleaders would attract the younger crowd :)
by Killing_U
01-04-2003 05:05
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Cheerleaders?
Replies: 15
Views: 16630


My first post :devil: To all DB players: i am neither smart or skilled to do this so i am asking sumone else I believe DB needs CHEERLEADERS , just a bunch of animations or static meshes that move would defenitely do the job:) sumone please invest some time in this and make 'em sexy i think all agree