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by Killing_U
27-04-2003 05:35
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Plz Help Me
Replies: 13
Views: 12440

1. camo u r truly a retarded fuck for not knowing
2. there is a fuckin readme that tells u what to do
3. u r a faggot and flamer for posting the same shit in like 10 threads
4. noo one help camo because he will probably spam games like khushdi
5. once again you are Teh 1337 Ghey person ;):):):):):):)
by Killing_U
27-04-2003 03:59
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: interview
Replies: 14
Views: 14884

damn david thats 2 proposals from guys ::eww:: how many pounds of pot do you smoke a day? does the pot affect your gameplay? how long do you spend (daily) looking at other homosexual men on the internet? on a serious note 8^) your face on DB-Cube really scares the younger croud such as me. when i fi...
by Killing_U
25-04-2003 22:30
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: beta server pwed
Replies: 11
Views: 10655

aaah hmm ive been in one of those
by Killing_U
25-04-2003 22:26
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: the 1.7 beta.....
Replies: 33
Views: 29394

how about a light on the gun
when u got ball it lights up and when u throw it it turns off
by Killing_U
25-04-2003 22:21
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My only friend, the end
Replies: 23
Views: 20722

i have an idea! in the server browser where it shows whether it is standard or instagib there should be a meter of how good u hav to be to join make a score tracking system that keeps track of ur scores so when a noob tries to get to an 'expert' server he gets an error 'back off noob you succk too m...
by Killing_U
25-04-2003 22:10
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 1.7 beta :/
Replies: 110
Views: 55790

catch radius?
by Killing_U
25-04-2003 22:05
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: interview
Replies: 14
Views: 14884

exactly how good are you David? how much 1337|\|335 do u poses? j/k what ideas do you have for the future of db, do you think it will ever evolve to sitting on store shelves in its own separate box? you have said that gameplay is basically done, what else needs to be done to get more players? are yo...
by Killing_U
24-04-2003 03:12
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Bug: Giant shield gun
Replies: 15
Views: 14160

i want one of those
by Killing_U
24-04-2003 03:03
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 1.7 beta :/
Replies: 110
Views: 55790

what ^^^^^he^^^^^^said
::not even sure what volley latency is::
by Killing_U
24-04-2003 02:59
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: beta server pwed
Replies: 11
Views: 10655

hmm could u plz define the following for me?
pickup game
by Killing_U
23-04-2003 02:15
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: volley only killing n00bs?
Replies: 22
Views: 18971

vo was fun at first now its just getting ghey
plus half the noobs dont kno what voli is (they dont kno how to pass either)
ahh sc was great 2vs2 now w/ 6vs6 it is not fun at all
by Killing_U
23-04-2003 02:06
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Bounce Bug?
Replies: 9
Views: 8040

i did that in the 1.7 april fools version in cube
stand on ball spawn (w/ ball) and shoot it in the sky so it resets
as soon as u shoot it hold the pass button and voila
btw: i havnt tried it in any other versions
by Killing_U
23-04-2003 02:01
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 1.6 bug
Replies: 16
Views: 14687

?!?!?!?!?!?! dissapears ?!?!?!?!?!?!
by Killing_U
23-04-2003 01:57
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: RED Players on Blue Team, or reverse
Replies: 9
Views: 8438

see problem often as well
no big whoop really
by Killing_U
23-04-2003 01:54
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My only friend, the end
Replies: 23
Views: 20722

pubs are getting gayer and gayer.:(
whenever i see i person i kno it becomes fun, when he leaves the server gets crappy again
there sre so many cocky ppl that hav no teamwork or they just dont kno how to pass :lol: