Search found 25 matches

by Jinxed
13-07-2003 21:30
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Simple Question
Replies: 12
Views: 13276

0/3 so far played, you cant move every single match, just annoying the other teams and the ranking is faked who gives a shit about the ranking not being totally right at this point in the season. If you had cared about things like that then you should have forced a playing day for everyone once or ...
by Jinxed
02-07-2003 20:54
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: New Transfer Limit League Rule
Replies: 37
Views: 31311

Sure it is, but from reading my post again I can't see how you failed to see that I didn't mean 24/7. Should have been obvious o_O
My post still stands however. Someone must have been really drunk when all of this was decided IMO.
by Jinxed
02-07-2003 18:15
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: New Transfer Limit League Rule
Replies: 37
Views: 31311

Don't know who thought this rule up but he must have been out of his damn mind. Seriously you force a league to start during the peak of the summertime where people go on vacations, and if that's not bad enough you whip up this great rule about the player borrowing. Oh and I do find it funny that ...
by Jinxed
02-07-2003 06:17
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Div1 Relegations?
Replies: 77
Views: 59671

Who knows it might be fun to be in the second league. Perhaps everything isn't so damn serious there, and you can actually have fun rather than it feeling like a chore.
/me shrugs
by Jinxed
30-06-2003 12:42
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: @ David: LEARN TO USE UMODS
Replies: 27
Views: 14175

I agree that you should be using the umod method. I mean seriously 83 MB. Come on...
by Jinxed
21-06-2003 05:36
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: why the fux did you make boosting easer?
Replies: 45
Views: 22582

haven't played 1.7 yet but it seems to me that increasing the range of the boosting is bad. That means that the other team can just go somewhat close to a person about to get boosted and get boosted back home as well o_O
I could be wrong =)
by Jinxed
17-06-2003 05:54
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Getting close or still a little ways off?
Replies: 34
Views: 18302

heh sprint is still in the game eh
by Jinxed
16-06-2003 13:03
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Variation
Replies: 34
Views: 30780

Aye sediment is rubbish.
by Jinxed
15-06-2003 12:18
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: New TEZC Member!
Replies: 36
Views: 21187

grats axl :)
by Jinxed
13-06-2003 21:32
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Variation
Replies: 34
Views: 30780

Might work.
oh and it's only used during the playoffs @ clanbase.
by Jinxed
11-06-2003 06:04
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: All Star Game #2
Replies: 88
Views: 68801

mm I agree the voting system is rather odd. Doesn't really make sense to include cY in the voting o_O
Maybe it should be reset, and this time without the possibility to vote for cY players o_O
by Jinxed
10-06-2003 18:15
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: All star game
Replies: 72
Views: 58907

yeah he's currently gathering info from team captains, or so he told me :)
by Jinxed
07-06-2003 15:19
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: How to kill Pbox Camping in 1.7
Replies: 169
Views: 87357

Jinxed, if you assume I'm not a sweeper then I'm going to assume you didn't play deathball before the charge sound was added. Although I play offense mainly, I have played deep D or sweeper from 1.3 to now, and it's never been that hard, with or without the sound. Started in 1.3 myself. Anyhow I ...
by Jinxed
07-06-2003 02:11
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: How to kill Pbox Camping in 1.7
Replies: 169
Views: 87357

or.. we could just keep it like it currently is. It's not like offense really has a problem scoring if they aren't half bad.
by Jinxed
07-06-2003 01:12
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: How to kill Pbox Camping in 1.7
Replies: 169
Views: 87357

yes let's totally screw the defenders.
Also let's give the ball carrier twice the speed of normal players while we're at it.
That'll show 'em...