Search found 25 matches

by an_old_man
01-01-2005 00:52
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Gib in the New Year at BuD!
Replies: 10
Views: 5844

can we get some dodgeball action too? :p
by an_old_man
03-11-2004 20:46
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: <3 Kerry
Replies: 122
Views: 54972

Its weird how you call american ppl dumb, and say that they get their info from the lies of the media, when its clear that the media is liberal and biased. So you would think that they would have voted for Kerry, but they didnt. So maybe it is you who are "shallow" or "dumber than roc...
by an_old_man
14-09-2004 04:33
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: New pics of the model!
Replies: 93
Views: 48447

me likey :p
by an_old_man
07-06-2004 05:12
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: NA Deathball mirror
Replies: 7
Views: 3978

oh sorry... try >> ... s&catid=65 That will link to both files, with a register thing if needed.
by an_old_man
07-06-2004 03:11
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: NA Deathball mirror
Replies: 7
Views: 3978

NA Deathball mirror has both deathball files mirrored (exe and zip) :p All you have to do is register. <3 ... jump&id=89 - zip ... jump&id=90 - exe
by an_old_man
19-04-2004 05:39
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Shaken altfire?
Replies: 88
Views: 38678

reading davidms first post its undecided if its going to be with or without lock
by an_old_man
19-04-2004 04:16
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Shaken altfire?
Replies: 88
Views: 38678

Well I try and wait for good passes and not just get rid of the ball, and a lot of the times ill take a hit before passing. So this shake pass will really mess up ppl that try to make smart plays, and not quick ones.
by an_old_man
19-04-2004 03:24
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Shaken altfire?
Replies: 88
Views: 38678

Shake pass is a stupid idea. You are going to end up with 1 point games.

If your teams D sux so much that the only way you can stop a play is with shake pass, then you shouldnt be playing Deathball.
by an_old_man
08-03-2004 21:20
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: case r here x_X
Replies: 57
Views: 25412

My case :p


more pictures >
by an_old_man
26-09-2003 05:04
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Quting db cuz ufo is mean
Replies: 52
Views: 30031

Is that a Yes or No?
by an_old_man
26-09-2003 02:20
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Quting db cuz ufo is mean
Replies: 52
Views: 30031

So you dont love me anymore Berk?
by an_old_man
25-09-2003 04:15
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Quting db cuz ufo is mean
Replies: 52
Views: 30031

YAY!!! :p berk --> \o/ :cool: <-- me
by an_old_man
20-08-2003 18:02
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: NA DB Reborn?
Replies: 40
Views: 30756

My comment was not ment for you Insane, it is for everone that doenst like this game, who wants DB to die, yet still posts :spammer: on these forums.
by an_old_man
20-08-2003 02:54
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: NA DB Reborn?
Replies: 40
Views: 30756

How many times do we have to say this? IF YOU DONT LIKE THE GAME, DONT PLAY, AND DONT POST ON THESE FORUMS its that simple. All you do is come here and spam, and say dumb things about DB and DavidM. We dont care about you, we dont care what you think, we dont care about DavidM, all we care about is ...
by an_old_man
17-08-2003 00:42
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: What is more important to you in a map?
Replies: 28
Views: 13875

I dont care how the map looks, I just want some good gameplay.