Search found 14 matches

by Puck
12-11-2004 03:42
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: apology to dirt
Replies: 19
Views: 9947

quick summary: [18:39] <Puck`> HI im ufo [18:39] <Puck`> we will scrimm WKD now [18:39] <Puck`> ok m8s we got like 4 you got 7 when your done lets do this [18:39] <Puck`> OH really we will mercy them out and play you guys [18:40] <Puck`> K [18:40] <Puck`> OH mates i know you waited 30 mins for this ...
by Puck
30-09-2004 19:07
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: RMB thoughts
Replies: 29
Views: 15154

davey-poo it seems that right click holdage was reduced from the huge problem it was before but the radius still makes it larger then the regular radius of the character... please shrink dat stuff down so it either makes it the same size of the character or smaller. I have noticed it since i had a ...
by Puck
05-06-2004 19:44
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Give back the UT2004 player models?
Replies: 35
Views: 25251

how about just allowing players to do both, you can still split apart from ut2k4 but allow players to play the same model theyve been using for 5 years. theres nostalgia with wraith and all the old school ut guys it just seems if someone wants to use one or the other it wouldnt be that big of a deal ...
by Puck
29-07-2003 01:21
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 395752

I have a couple ideas about all this, first off I don't think v3 should be kicked out just because they are a bunch of asses. I would mainly agree with Imaginos in his post he pointed out the major lack of maturity exuded by v3 as a whole. I find it sad that a team that is by far the most talented ...
by Puck
07-06-2003 19:56
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: How to kill Pbox Camping in 1.7
Replies: 169
Views: 87344

I remember a version maybe 4 months ago that had the option of not hearing the players charge up and from that version I remember scores even lower then the ones I see today. Because people played smarter...all anyone does these days is take advantage of the increased volley radius and just pass ...
by Puck
15-04-2003 18:01
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: The time kill and other concerns
Replies: 82
Views: 71976

if the keep is standing outside of box with ball that is incredibly dangerous and any pick off would result in ez goal... since everyone else is covering a man the keep is just gonna pass to the guy u were covering so if u pay attention to where that man is on radar a goal can be scored since keep ...
by Puck
14-04-2003 19:04
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Division #1 again
Replies: 39
Views: 36267

Rush Red gonna win it all baby :) ...o u mean euros.... we played against a mixed tezc squad a bunch of times they were good peeps so go them :)
by Puck
14-04-2003 03:42
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: The time kill and other concerns
Replies: 82
Views: 71976

umm surge i was playing offense and we only started time killing for like the last 5 minutes....we were playing our regular game...the one we would play if we were losing for the first 25 mins and it wasnt until someone said we should slow it down that we did just that... however in a league game ...
by Puck
25-03-2003 02:35
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: American National Teams
Replies: 84
Views: 80063

sactown california....home of the kings
by Puck
21-03-2003 19:32
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Individual points
Replies: 57
Views: 52448

omg finally... been waiting for you to change stats forever...I think as long as you dont be retarded this will be a great addition...just make sure to cover the basics and I wouldnt really about auto determining mvp thats kinda stupid...its normally pretty obvious who deserves it so either make it ...
by Puck
16-03-2003 10:44
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: suggestion to enhance teamwork
Replies: 31
Views: 32118

get rid of the self volley...bad skill...easy goal...why shoot?
by Puck
16-03-2003 10:43
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Mr Pants Excessive Deathball
Replies: 23
Views: 24711

agree completely...self pop up volleys are real weak put back the hammer latency to avoid that
by Puck
16-03-2003 10:35
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: probs with db and ut2k3
Replies: 8
Views: 9121

thanx for help
by Puck
15-03-2003 20:36
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: probs with db and ut2k3
Replies: 8
Views: 9121

probs with db and ut2k3

Ever since patch 1.6 or version 1.6 came out I have been experiencing difficulties with db and ut2k3... for some reason when i try to join non db games it pops up a message...incompatible deathball.u file for like bombing run and ctf ut2k3 works fine for db but I would really enjoy being able to ...