Search found 5 matches

by Tzarcon
15-03-2003 20:48
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: DB-Hoarfrost
Replies: 9
Views: 11915

Im going to be putting blocking volumes around the tops of the walls to flatten it out a bit, and theres blocking volumes behind the nets for volleying, I still have to test it out to see how well its going to work
by Tzarcon
15-03-2003 03:45
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: in map scoreboard
Replies: 25
Views: 31047

A video! A fucking video, on a screen! NICE!!!

Is this a texture? It would rock to have a TEXTURE that does that
by Tzarcon
15-03-2003 00:39
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: DB-Hoarfrost
Replies: 9
Views: 11915


Hey, Im a guy whos been a hardcore HL mapper for years, but Im moving to UT2003 now. Anyway, this is my first ever UT2003 map, and I made it for deathball. Its in a U-Shape. In the shots, as you can see behind the net is cliff. I put a blocking volume there to make it flat and make volleying ...
by Tzarcon
14-03-2003 23:29
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: in map scoreboard
Replies: 25
Views: 31047

night wrote: this should be in all new offical maps....

I third that
by Tzarcon
14-03-2003 23:03
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: DB-RoofTop
Replies: 14
Views: 12420

Damn, thats awesome, Must play