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by liebs19
02-10-2005 03:11
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 2.4 testing info
Replies: 160
Views: 120335

I agree with insane completely. Its hard for us to get an idea of how the version is really shaping up with the major bugs listed above. If we had these bugs fixed we could more easily give our opinions on the direction the game is going in.
by liebs19
15-06-2004 21:58
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Body Deflect Abuse
Replies: 63
Views: 34529

i have no problem deflecting shots when I play defense without holding right click... is it really that hard to do? I see no problem with it being used that way foo showed in his illustration but it ends up being used the way dirt showed. The defenders drop back to the keeper box line and take away ...
by liebs19
15-06-2004 07:04
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Body Deflect Abuse
Replies: 63
Views: 34529

I agree. If anyone needs to see how badly this can be abused just find me on IRC tomorrow. I will show you in-game exactly why this must be fixed.
by liebs19
30-12-2003 17:01
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: Super Mario Hole
Replies: 17
Views: 14519 if only I could map :P
by liebs19
01-11-2003 06:59
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: blip sounds OMG
Replies: 28
Views: 13743

these sounds better be gone as fast as the 1.4 gh3y color trail ;)
by liebs19
01-11-2003 06:51
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: blip sounds OMG
Replies: 28
Views: 13743

why do i need a sound to know when the ball is caught or vollied?
by liebs19
01-11-2003 06:48
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Possible Compromise
Replies: 34
Views: 18301

Another possible option is having the "pass to player in the air" feature be an option like sprinting. That way the NA community can keep it on if they want and the euro community can turn it off.
by liebs19
01-11-2003 05:14
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Possible Compromise
Replies: 34
Views: 18301

That was just my eaxmple. I don't see how catching a apss in the air hurts the game. I understand how volleying that same pass does. There is no time to react.
by liebs19
01-11-2003 05:02
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Possible Compromise
Replies: 34
Views: 18301

All of those are viable options, Birelli. I can not argue against that, but you said yourself that it causes no harm passing to him. However, removing it causes the attack to slow down when you have to pass back to the keeper. This is not a problem for the Euro community but it is for the NA ...
by liebs19
01-11-2003 04:53
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Possible Compromise
Replies: 34
Views: 18301

Waiting until they land is the option I usually took anyway. However, if you are about to die and the man in the air is the only option you can not wait for him to land. What harm is really caused by beaing able to pass to him if he can't volley it in anyway?
by liebs19
01-11-2003 04:52
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Possible Compromise
Replies: 34
Views: 18301

You would not be able to volley so you would have to take a charge shot. This allows the d and keeper time to react.
by liebs19
01-11-2003 04:48
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Possible Compromise
Replies: 34
Views: 18301

Exactly. I think that charging in the air solves the main problem. This makes it more like a normal shot attempt but it allows the NA style of play, where we move up the filed extremely quickly, to stay in tact.
by liebs19
01-11-2003 04:43
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Possible Compromise
Replies: 34
Views: 18301

Possible Compromise

First off, let me say that I think 1.9 is as good a version as any. There are things I dislike about it (that sound especially ;)) and there are things I like. I have read a bunch of threads on the forum about how everyone hates the solution to broomsticks. I personally dislike the fact that in 1.8 ...
by liebs19
01-11-2003 03:20
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: blip sounds OMG
Replies: 28
Views: 13743

i could stand the sond the first 10 times i heard it.....too bad the ball is caught many many many times a game. the sound has got to be optional
by liebs19
10-10-2003 22:16
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: New DBL settings?
Replies: 16
Views: 18597

I agree on both ideas. Anyone who thinks that I agree goal differential is bad bacuase V3 will take first over us if they win the rest of tehir games can please go jump off a bridge now. I would be damn proud to split the series with V3 and take seond in the league. Secondly, golden goal is great ...